Chapter 125 Allergies
The man gritted his teeth, held out the determination of a strong man to break his wrist, and stretched out a thick arm, "Come on!"

In this way, people who didn't know thought that Su Rao was going to cut off his entire arm.

Su Rao raised her eyebrows and daubed the rouge on the man's arm.

Seeing this situation, Shen Lingling's eyebrows twitched, and she secretly thought that something was wrong, but she couldn't find a reason to stop it for a while.

Time passed by minute by minute.

After a few minutes, there was no change in the man's arm, not a single red dot appeared.

"This is how the same thing?"

The crowd started to discuss again, some people speculated whether Su Rao had changed the package of rouge, and the rouge applied to the man was not the previous box.

But this guess was immediately denied by the others, because Su Rao and the others were always within their line of sight, and there was no chance of dropping the package at all.

Moreover, Fuchun Pavilion's rouge box is specially made, and it is more delicate and beautiful than the rouge boxes used in other rouge shops, and it can be recognized at a glance.

So... what is going on?

Everyone was puzzled.

Seeing that the crowd calmed down, Su Rao snorted coldly, and began to explain: "The reason for the red spots is not from the rouge, but from the little girl herself."

She turned her head, her eyes were cold, and she looked at Shen Lingling and the little maid.

Under the pressure of Su Rao's icy gaze, the little maid turned slightly pale.

Shen Lingling's eyes flickered.

Su Rao's tone was cool: "The little red spots on her body are caused by allergies."

"Allergies? What kind of disease is this? I've never heard of it." The man beside him scratched his head with a puzzled look on his face.

Su Rao glanced at him and explained: "The most common allergy phenomenon is hay fever. Every year in March and April, when the flowers are in full bloom, some people will have symptoms such as sneezing and watery eyes. This is hay fever."

"I have this disease!" Someone in the crowd suddenly realized, "The doctor did say that this disease is caused by pollen. So, is this called allergy?"

Su Rao nodded, "That's right. Everyone's body is different, and allergens will be different. Some people are allergic to pollen, catkins, and dust, and some are allergic to eggs and other foods."

Having said that, she deliberately paused.

"Some people are even allergic to rouge powder. In addition, because of different allergens, the symptoms are different. Sneezing, runny nose, red and swollen skin, and..."

Su Rao looked at the little maid who was huddled aside, her eyes were meaningful, "There are little red spots on her body."

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Su Rao blinked, and added: "Of course, if someone doesn't believe it, you can go to the doctor to verify whether what I said is true."

Although there is no such thing as allergies in Xuantian Continent, but whether the red spot on the girl's face is caused by a problem with rouge, she believes that as long as it is not a quack doctor, she will be able to tell the difference.

Shen Lingling rolled her eyes and stood up hastily, "There is no need to find a doctor. Liu Qi, today I was too reckless to find out the truth. I made a mistake on you. I apologize to you."

Shen Lingling kept her posture very low, her face full of sincerity, and she quickly won the favor of the people around her.

They all praised Shen Lingling for being well-bred, and some even comforted her. It was not her fault. After all, they had never heard of such things as allergies.

 good night everyone

(End of this chapter)

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