Chapter 126
Liu Qi sneered in her heart.

She knew very well that Shen Lingling came here for her today.

But that woman, Shen Lingling, actually took the initiative, causing the situation to completely turn to Shen Lingling's side. If she continued to pester her, she would appear to be a small belly.

Liu Qi gritted her teeth secretly, she really couldn't swallow this bad breath!

Seeing Liu Qi's gloomy face and not speaking, Shen Lingling said with aggrieved face: "Liu Qi, I really didn't know that my maid was allergic to rouge, you have to trust me! Aren't we good friends who went through life and death together?"

good friend?
Liu Qi felt very ridiculous in her heart.

She thought of that night in the Chixia Mountains. If she hadn't been lucky, she would have been raped by Luo Zhijie, and now she would be worse off than die.

Shen Lingling, who was helpless at the beginning, now keeps saying that they are good friends?

Liu Qi just wanted to spit on her hypocritical face.

At this time, most of the people had already stood by Shen Lingling's side, and tried to persuade Liu Qi to be magnanimous in life.They had already forgotten Shen Lingling's arrogant and domineering look when she threatened to smash Fuchun Pavilion before.

If you were really good friends, would you do this?

Liu Qi gritted her teeth.

"Would you not know if your maid can apply rouge and gouache? Before lying, do you want to make a draft first?" Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

Su Rao looked at Shen Lingling like an idiot.

Shen Lingling's face was slightly stiff, but she quickly reacted and defended herself: "She is just a sweeping maid in my yard, how can I know a sweeping maid so clearly."

"Oh~~ It turned out to be a sweeping maid. I remember that Fuchun Pavilion's rouge is not cheap, right? Miss Shen is really generous to give such expensive rouge to a sweeping maid at random!" Su Rao hugged her hands and seemed to smile. She looked at Shen Lingling with a non-smile.

A lie needs a thousand lies to cover up, the more Shen Lingling tells now, the more loopholes will be created.

Shen Lingling's palms were wet with sweat.

Suddenly, Su Rao's eyes swept away, and her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly.

"Tsk tsk, are the hands of the sweeping maids so white and tender these days? Miss Shen's broom is probably made of suet jade!"

As soon as these words came out, the onlookers immediately looked at the little maid's bare white hands.

The little maid hurriedly shrank her hands back into her sleeves in fright, but there were still many people who saw clearly.

How could such delicate and white hands be what a sweeping maid should have.

This little maid is probably the first-class maid who serves Miss Shen's side. Apart from serving the lady, the first-class maid does not have to do any rough work, and her life is more nourishing than many rich ladies.

But why did Shen Lingling lie?

The answer is self-evident.

Immediately, the way everyone looked at Shen Lingling changed.

Shen Lingling also realized that she had revealed her secrets, and her expression showed a little panic.

"I don't know what you're talking about? Anyway... Liu Qi, what happened today is that I wronged you. I also apologize to you. Let's just let this matter go!"

After speaking, she wanted to take the maid and leave quickly.

However, she found that the surrounding crowd was so crowded that she couldn't go out for a while, and everyone was looking at her with strange eyes.

These gazes made Shen Lingling feel a burning pain on her face, as if someone had slapped her face hard.

 Stupid bear squatting in the corner and drawing circles: why no one gave a recommendation ticket, why no one gave five-star praise, why...

  Queen: Who made you break your promise!
  Stupid Bear: You are talking nonsense, when? !

  Queen: Hehe, the agreed boulder is crushed!
  Stupid Bear: I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen ("><)"


(End of this chapter)

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