Chapter 127 My name is,!
"Get out of the way for Miss Ben!" Shen Lingling was furious.

The strange eyes of everyone made her confused, and inadvertently revealed her arrogant and domineering side.

Of course, Shen Lingling just wanted to leave here immediately, and she couldn't think about it so much.

"If you don't want to die, get out of the way!" Shen Lingling threatened viciously.

Everyone immediately felt bad for Shen Lingling, but they still slowly thought about giving in twice to make a way.

After all, the power of the Shen family cannot be provoked by ordinary people like them.

However, what Shen Lingling did today is destined to spread throughout the streets and alleys of the capital along with her notoriety.


The farce ended, and the melon-eating crowd gradually dispersed.

Liu Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to look at Su Rao, her bright eyes shone brightly.

"My lord, you saved me again. Liu Qi will always remember the two great favors. If possible, can you tell me your name?" Her watery eyes stared at Su Rao's eyes, full of tears. The color of anticipation.

Su Rao pondered for a while, then replied with a straight face: "My name is **!"

【puff! 】

In the system space, the demon spirit was overwhelmed by the host's answer.

Well, this answer... I give 101 points!That extra point is to make you proud!

Liu Qi was overjoyed, and finally knew the benefactor's name.

"Mr. Lei, if you don't dislike it, you can sit in the Fuchun Pavilion."

Liu Qi never said anything about repaying her kindness, because she knew very well that the young man in front of her didn't need her own repayment.

However, as she herself said, she will always remember it in her heart and never forget it.

Su Rao frowned, but didn't answer right away.

Yaoyaoling thought, the host of his family will come forward to help today, the sun has come out from the west, how could he agree...

"Alright." Su Rao nodded in agreement.

Yaoyaoling━━∑( ̄□ ̄*|||━━: The host didn’t take medicine today? Or did he take the wrong medicine?
Stepping into the Fuchun Pavilion, Liu Qi ordered someone to make a pot of the best tea, and brought out several plates of straight pastries to entertain Su Rao.

Just as the two sat down, a noble lady suddenly walked in at the door.

"Qiqi, what happened? Why are there so many people around Fuchun Pavilion?"

A graceful and charming lady came slowly, her face was beautiful, and her well-maintained face seemed to be only [-] years old, but the charm and enchantment of a mature woman were all revealed between her brows.A long silk dress wrapped her hot figure, with high breasts and round buttocks.

She wears luxurious pearl hairpin gold ornaments on her head, and the nails on both hands are rendered into gorgeous Koudan.

"Mother, you are back." Liu Qi hurriedly greeted the person who came.

Liu Qimeng ignored her and went straight to Su Rao.

As she approached, a scent entered Su Rao's nose.

The phoenix eyes narrowed, and a ray of light flashed in the bottom of the eyes.

Liu Qimeng looked Su Rao up and down, frowned, looked at Liu Qi, and said in a bad tone, "Who is he?"

Seeing a hint of disdain on Liu Qimeng's face, Liu Qi felt a little anxious, fearing that her mother's bad attitude would offend Su Rao, she hastily told what happened just now verbatim.

Finally, she said with lingering fear: "Mother, if it wasn't for the help of Mr. Lei just now, I'm afraid that Fuchun Pavilion will be poured with dirty water that can't be washed away! At that time, the loss of money and wealth will be small, and Fuchun Pavilion's reputation Sweeping the floor is a big deal."

(End of this chapter)

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