Chapter 133 Tier [-] Defense Formation

"It's Su Xiao, Su Rao's missing father." She said lightly.

The original owner has very little memory about her parents. After all, she was only three years old when the two disappeared. What can a three-year-old child remember.Therefore, most of my impressions of my parents were learned from other people in the Hou Mansion.

Su Xiao is not only outstanding in cultivation talent, but also a rare array mage. He broke through as a spiritual master at the age of 13, and became a third-rank formation mage at the age of 15. Looking at the entire Xuantian Continent, Su Xiao can be regarded as a genius.

It's no wonder that after Su Rao was found to have a waste physique, there were rumors that she was a bastard.

"Yao Yaoling, what rank is the formation above?"

[It's a third-tier defensive formation, huh?This formation has been modified by someone, and its defense ability is comparable to that of a rank four formation!Lord host, that Su Xiao is indeed a remarkable person! 】

Yaoyaoling exclaimed.

"You will break the formation?" Su Rao raised her eyebrows.

With such a commotion, Marquis Wu An and the others probably have already received the news, and they might be on their way here. If there is any further delay, her plans for tonight will come to naught.

If you didn't succeed the first time, you will definitely be more vigilant next time. If you want to do it next time, it will not be so simple.

【of course not……】

Su Rao: ...

After talking for a long time, he looked like he knew the formation very well, but it turned out to be an embroidered pillow!

"Yao Yaoling, are you short of pumping?!" Su Rao gritted her teeth.

[Master host, although I don't know how to break the formation, there is a simple and crude way to destroy the formation directly! 】Yao Yaoling hurriedly said.

"Say!" Su Rao's fists were already "creaking" when she said this word.

[If you find the formation eye, just destroy the formation eye directly!I know where the eyes are! 】

Su Rao snorted coldly, "That's about the same."

Under the guidance of Yaoyaoling, Su Rao quickly found the eye of the formation, and destroyed the eye of the formation with three strokes and five divisions.

Without the defensive formation, the big lock under the door was just a decoration, Su Rao kicked the door open without even looking at it.


My host is so mighty (violent) domineering (force)!
Marquis Wu'an's Mansion was not a big family in the first place, and its background was mediocre. The treasury of the Marquis' Mansion only had one floor, and all the gold, silver and jewels were placed in it, and there were no rare items.

It can be said that such a "poor" treasure house is guarded by a third-rank formation, which is simply a waste of money.

Su Rao was not polite at all, and put all the gold, silver and jewelry on the ground into the system space.

In a blink of an eye, the entire treasure house was swept away.

Just when Su Rao was about to turn around and leave, out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly glanced at a corner where an unremarkable wooden box was placed.

Because there is no light in the treasure house, it can only be illuminated by the moonlight shining in from outside, and the box is so ordinary and inconspicuous that Su Rao didn't even notice its existence before.

She walked over, took a cushion in her hand, and said with a look of disgust: "A lot of dust."

Although she hated it in her heart, Su Rao decided to open it and take a look, what if it was a good thing!

With a sound of "creak", the wooden box opened, and a blue transparent bead appeared impressively.

Su Rao picked it up and put it in front of her eyes for a closer look.

There is no spiritual power attached to it, which means it is not the spiritual core of a spirit beast.

Holding it in your hand, it feels round and smooth, with a hint of coolness, and it feels like it is made of crystal.

(End of this chapter)

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