Chapter 134
Suddenly, Su Rao slapped his head, "How did I forget this! You Yaoling, activate the item estimation function."

With the item valuation function, you can tell whether it is a baby at a glance!
[Obey, Master Host! 】

A window immediately appeared in front of Su Rao.

Item name: pure heart bead
Material: clear heart stone
Valuation: 200 million gold coins

Appreciation potential forecast grade: A-
Su Rao froze for a moment, then rubbed her eyes, and looked at the window in front of her again.

200 gold coins? !

She looked at the dusty and plain wooden box in her hand, and wondered if there was something wrong with her eyes. What she was actually holding in her hand was a glittering golden box inlaid with precious stones!

Pure Heart Bead?What is this, Su Rao has never heard of it.

However, she doesn't have time to think about it now, because Marquis Wu'an will soon bring someone here.

Su Rao put the Qingxin Pearl back into the wooden box, put it into the system space, and was about to step away, when suddenly she seemed to remember something, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She took out the prepared pen and ink, soaked the tip, and wrote a line of eye-catching characters on the wall in a flowing manner.

Su Rao stroked her chin, looked at her "masterpiece", and nodded in satisfaction.

Just then, her sharp ears heard a distant noise.

[Host, Marquis Wu An brought people here. 】

Su Rao didn't stay any longer, left the treasure house, and disappeared into the night in an instant.

When Marquis Wu An rushed to the treasure house with a large group, the first thing he saw were the two guards lying on the ground and the wide open door of the treasure house.

Marquis Wu'an's face turned extremely ugly, and at the same time he felt a little unbelievable.

The formation of the treasure house was laid by Su Xiao himself, and it is a third-rank formation, and only practitioners at the level of a great spiritual master can forcibly destroy it!
And a master like the great spiritual master is extremely rare in a small country like Dongxu country. Even if there is one, it is impossible to think highly of the treasure house of Marquis Wu'an's mansion!
It is precisely because of the third-rank formation that the guards of the treasure house are so lax.

Now that the formation is gone and the thief has not been caught, Marquis Wu An is so angry that he wants to vomit blood.

However, what made him vomit blood even more was yet to come.

Marquis Wu An walked into the treasury, and saw that it was empty, not to mention a single gold coin, not even a mouse hair left on the ground!
That is called a clean!
Seeing this scene, Marquis Wu An's eyes turned black, his body swayed, and he almost passed out.

What is piled up in the treasury is all the property of Marquis Wu'an Mansion!

"Master Hou, there are words on the wall!" A servant behind him exclaimed.

At this time, the dark clouds in the sky parted, revealing a full moon like a jade plate, and the cold and bright moonlight sprinkled on the ground, illuminating the scene inside the treasure house and the big characters on the wall.

"A lowly person has his own reward!"

After seeing the writing on the wall, everyone in the Hou Mansion behind them fell into silence. The servant who spoke just now turned pale, wishing he could slap himself a few times.

Marquis Wu'an's face was ashen, trembling with anger, pointing to the words on the wall with trembling fingertips, "Deceit, deceit too much... oh, poof!"

Suddenly, he spat out a mouthful of blood!
Immediately afterwards, Wu Anhou's body shook a few times, and he fell straight to the ground!

"Master Hou!"

The servants turned pale with fright, they rushed to support Marquis Wu'an, some ran to find the doctor, some went to inform Madam Hou, the treasury was suddenly noisy and chaotic.

Tonight's Marquis of Wu'an Mansion is destined to be a sleepless night.

 Good night, little cuties, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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