Chapter 135

When Su Rao returned to the yard, Shadow hadn't returned yet, but she wasn't worried at all.

If a Lingjun-level master is caught by a group of spiritual master-level guards, it will be a joke in the world.

Go back to the room and close the door.

Su Rao took out the wooden box containing the Qingxin beads from the system space, and put the Qingxin beads in her hand to play with.

[Master host, your luck is too good!Such a high-purity Qingxin bead is very rare! 】

Su Rao raised her eyebrows, "You know this thing? Why didn't you tell me before that?"

[Dear Master Host, I really can’t blame me for this, Qingxinzhu is really too rare, so I didn’t recognize it at the first time. 】

Su Rao looked at the blue bead tree in her hand, up and down, left and right, but she didn't see why.

"So, the people in Marquis Wu'an's Mansion don't even know the true value of this bead?"

Also, if Marquis Wu An and the others knew that this small and inconspicuous bead was worth 200 million gold coins, they would have given it up long ago, so how could they have thrown it aside casually.

"What is the function of Qingxin Pearl? Two million gold coins, tsk tsk, steal money!" Su Rao said.

【Pure Heart Beads are made of pure heart stones. Ordinary people wear them close to their bodies to clear their minds and improve their eyesight. But for practitioners, the most important function of the Pure Heart Beads is to suppress demons in their hearts! 】

Hearing this, Su Rao couldn't help sitting upright, looking at the blue transparent bead in her hand, her phoenix eyes froze, "Suppress the inner demon?"

【Yes, Master Host!It is precisely because of this that Qingxinzhu has always been enthusiastically sought after by practitioners.The pure heart bead in the host's hand is very high in purity and hardly contains any impurities. Once it is known to the outside world, it will definitely attract many practitioners to snatch it first. 】

What do practitioners fear most?It's not that the talent is inferior, but the demon!

Once the inner demon appears, no matter how powerful a cultivator is, there are only two kinds of consequences.

[-]. Overcome demons;
Two, die.

However, the success rate of defeating a demon is about 1%...less than that.

There are many reasons for the breeding of demons, among which breaking the oath of demons is the most common.The horror of the inner demon is well known to all.Therefore, it would be strange for a cultivator not to snap his head for the Pure Heart Bead that can suppress the demons of the heart!

"That's really a treasure!" Su Rao looked at the Qingxin Pearl in her palm, her eyes were burning, as if she was looking at a golden mountain.

[Such a precious and rare Qingxin Pearl, how could it end up in the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion, and be thrown aside as garbage, tsk tsk, what a waste of heaven and earth! 】

"Hehe, no matter what kind of treasure it is, it's now in Miss Ben's hands, so no one can take it away." The corners of Su Rao's lips curled up coldly, and she put the Qingxin Pearl into the system space, planning to sell it if she had the chance .

Although the background of the Marquis of Wu'an's Mansion is not very deep, and there are no rare treasures in the treasury, the amount of gold, silver and jewelry piled up in the treasury is still very impressive, and there should be millions of gold coins in total.

When they separated from Di Yan, Su Rao only took the storage ring, but returned all the gold coins in it to Di Yan, leaving none of them.

The night pearls dug from the rock walls of the cave are too valuable, and if they are sold, they will attract the attention of others.

Therefore, all Su Rao can use is the hundreds of gold coins obtained from selling spirit cores and animal skins. According to Su Rao's prodigal speed and the burning rate of refining medicine, he can spend them all in a matter of minutes.

Now with these gold, silver and jewels from Marquis of Wu'an's Mansion, Su Rao no longer has to worry about money for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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