Chapter 136 Dog bites dog

[Master host, will you leave the Marquis of Wu'an directly next? 】

Yaoyaoling always knew that if Su Rao hadn't been thinking about the treasure house of the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion, Su Rao would have slapped her ass and left. Battle of wits and courage.

"There's no rush." ​​Su Rao yawned, "Wait until I break through as a Healer. With my scumbag combat power, I will only be abused if I go out."

After Su Rao washed up, she fell into bed and fell asleep. All the commotion outside seemed to have nothing to do with her.

Throughout the night, the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion was brightly lit and noisy with people.

The first thing Marquis Wu An did after waking up was to order to block the news of the theft of the treasure house. This kind of embarrassing thing that was lost to grandma's house would only make people outside laugh if it spread.

At this time, Fan Xiafang, who hurriedly dressed and came, happened to hear the news of the theft of the treasure house as soon as she entered the door, her eyes widened, and she hurried to the bed, her voice was sharp: "Isn't there a third-rank formation on the door of the treasure house? ! How could it be stolen!"

Marquis Wu An was dizzy from the stimulation of her sharp voice, sat on the bed, his face became even uglier, he gritted his teeth and replied: "The formation eyes have been destroyed!"

Fan Xiafang's complexion changed drastically, and she hurriedly asked, "What was stolen?"

Marquis Wu An's face turned pale for a while, and his voice seemed to come out from between his teeth, "It's all gone."

"What did you say?" Fan Xiafang was stunned.

Marquis Wu An suddenly broke out and yelled at her: "It's all gone! Everything in the treasure house has been stolen!"

Fan Xiafang was dumbfounded and froze on the spot.

After Marquis Wu'an roared, his throat felt fishy and sweet, and he almost spat out another mouthful of blood.

He swallowed it forcefully, gritted his teeth and said to Fan Xiafang: "All the money of the Hou's mansion was stolen by the thieves, and there are hundreds of people in the whole mansion. Madame, now I can only rely on you."

Fan Xiafang came back to her senses, and when she heard his words, her eyes widened immediately, "Su Tianhao! How dare you plan on my dowry!"

Marquis Wu An glared at her angrily, and growled: "What can I do? There is no money in the treasury. If you don't use your dowry, is the whole Marquis mansion drinking northwest wind? Fan Xiafang, husband and wife are one body, Now that the Hou Mansion is in trouble, maybe you have to stand by and watch!"

Fan Xiafang was so angry that her face twisted, "Su Tianhao, what else are you doing besides being angry with my mother! Is it my mother's fault that the treasury was stolen? Shanshan is about to get married, what should I do with the dowry?! Su Tianhao, I Let me tell you, don't even think about touching my mother's dowry! Just give up on that!"

Marquis Wu'an has been bullied by Fan Xiafang, a tigress, for so many years. This time, it seems that he broke the jar, and his temper also followed. He even jumped out of the bed, raised his hand, and slapped Fan Xiafang directly on the corner of his mouth. He was bleeding, and his head was in a daze.

"Fan Xiafang! Benhou has tolerated you for many years! For so many years, relying on your natal family being the Duke's mansion, I have been calling and drinking all day long! Isn't it just a dowry! Ming'er has stayed in Ziyunzong for so many years. One thing can shock the scene!"

Fan Xiafang covered her hot and painful face, her eyes widened, her face full of disbelief, "Su Tianhao, how dare you hit me!"

Marquis Wu'an had regretted it as early as when he finished his move. Fan Xiafang's natal family was the Duke's Mansion, which was considered one of the best big families in Dongxu Country, and the Marquis of Wu'an's Mansion couldn't compete with it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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