Chapter 137 Poor Little Shadow

However, at the same time, he felt somewhat relieved, the anger that had been oppressed by Fan Xiafang for so many years finally vented a bit.

Marquis Wu'an bit his head and accused, "Get married and follow your husband! Fan Xiafang, look at you now, how do you look like a good wife and mother? In short, this matter is settled like this!
Don't forget, you are Mrs. Wu'anhou, and if Wu'anhou's mansion is ashamed, you have to be ashamed too!Once news of the treasure house being stolen gets out, how do you make people outside think of Benhou and Shanshan! "

The last sentence made Fan Xiafang calm down. A couple of children, the eldest son Su Mingzhi left home a few years ago to learn art from a teacher at the Purple Cloud School, and spent very little time with her.Naturally, the youngest daughter, Su Yueshan, who was always by her side, was regarded as the apple of her eye by all her maternal love.

Thinking of Su Yueshan, Fan Xiafang gritted her teeth and did not continue to object, it was a tacit agreement.


Early morning a few days later.

Su Rao sat on a stone bench in the yard, and on the stone table in front of her was the breakfast that An Ying had just ordered to buy.In the past few days, the quality of three meals in the Hou Mansion has dropped sharply, Su Rao, who is becoming more and more picky about food, expresses that she is very unhappy.

Yaoyaoling→_→: Isn’t you the culprit?
Hearing Ying Ying's words, Su Rao paused with the chopsticks in her hand, frowned, and looked at Ying Ying, "You mean, Su Ming is coming back?"

Shadow stood aside with his head bowed, and nodded, "Yes, this subordinate saw Fan Xiafang send someone to clean up Su Ming's residence this morning. According to her, it will be three days later."

"Su Ming." Su Rao raised her eyebrows, and what Fan Xiafang said the day she returned to the Marquis Mansion flashed through her mind.

Su Ming is the only son of the Marquis of Wu'an. Ever since he finished testing his cultivation talent at the age of five and officially started to practice, the halo of genius on Su Ming's head has never been extinguished.

At the age of ten, he became a six-star spiritual servant. At the age of 15, he was spotted by the elders of the Ziyun Sect. He made an exception and took him back to the sect directly, becoming a disciple of the sect.

It has been three full years since Su Ming left Dongxu Country, but legends about his genius have been widely circulated in the capital. Some even believe that Su Ming is now able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Su Xiao back then.

Su Rao took a small steamed bun, stuffed it into her mouth, and said with a puffy face, "Come back when you come back, it's none of my business."

Anyway, she swept away all the treasury of the Hou Mansion. After a while, after she breaks through to become a spiritual master, she will slap her ass and leave. What does Su Ming have to do with her!
Shadow cast a glance at him, and reminded her in a calm voice without any ups and downs: "Miss Su, as a disciple of the sect, Su Ming's vision is far superior to that of ordinary people. The subordinates don't know what you did to Su Yueshan, but if Su Ming Untie it, I'm afraid it will be very bad for you."

Su Rao blinked her eyes, looked away from the pile of food in front of her, and looked at the shadow with a serious face, her eyes were full of pity.

This silly boy didn't realize at all that the people who were tampered with included himself.

Yaoyaoling: Poor little shadow...

Su Rao said, "Don't worry about this, I am very confident."

Ever since she found out that Diyan could detect the coordinates of death, Su Rao didn't use it casually anymore. When she first came to another world, she was in a completely ignorant state. She wasn't sure if other people on Xuantian Continent could also detect it Got it, so I did an experiment with the shadow.

From what Ying Ying said just now, it can be concluded that he didn't notice it at all. From this, it can be inferred that Di Yan is the only person who can coordinate the death.

 Little Shadow (T_T): Your Highness, when will you come back?If you don't come back, your subordinates will be killed by the female devil... Bah!Tortured to death by the princess!

  Di Yan: Hello!What are you talking about, it's too windy here, I can't hear you!
  Little Shadow: Bye bye manual!

(End of this chapter)

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