Chapter 138 Su Ming Returns Home
Shadow frowned, but seeing Su Rao's determined look, he didn't say anything more.

Su Rao suddenly looked melancholy, put down the chopsticks in her hand, put one hand on her face, looked up at the sky and sighed faintly, "Sure enough... just kill it at that time. Unstable factors... are the most annoying .”

As the breeze blew past, Su Rao's eyes blurred, and her thoughts flew back to the long past.

The old and kind voice still lingers in her ears to this day.

"Rao Rao... Promise Grandpa these three things, okay... This is Grandpa's last wish..."

"……it is good."

A trace of confusion flashed in Su Rao's eyes, and she muttered to herself in a voice that only she could hear: "Grandpa, what are you thinking about? Those three promises..."


The news that Su Ming was about to return to Dongxu Kingdom from Purple Cloud Sect quickly spread to every street and alley in the capital like mushrooms after rain.

The Marquis of Wu'an's mansion suddenly became lively, and there was an endless stream of people looking for reasons to visit.

Three days later, the Marquis of Wu'an.

Early in the morning, Marquis Wu'an's family was waiting eagerly in front of the gate of Marquis Wu'an's mansion. The faces of Marquis Wu'an and others who had been gloomy for a few days suddenly turned cloudy.

"Da da da"

The crisp sound of horseshoes came from far to near, and a majestic steed galloped towards him. Sitting on the horse was a young man with a stern face and a tall and straight figure. He wore a long sword at his waist, looking heroic.

"Mother, it's brother!" Su Yueshan's face was full of excitement.

The steed stopped in front of the gate of Marquis Wu'an's mansion, Su Ming turned over and jumped off the horse, striding towards Marquis Wu'an and the others.

Su Ming nodded slightly, the arrogance between his brows was faintly visible: "Father, Mother, Shanshan."

Before Marquis Wu An could speak, Fan Xiafang had already grabbed Su Ming's hand excitedly, and kept asking for his health, while Su Yueshan surrounded him chattering non-stop.

Marquis Wu An stood aside, like an outsider, with a slightly stiff smile on his face.

"Cough!" Suddenly, Marquis Wu An coughed heavily, with a hint of displeasure on his face, "If you have anything to say, go in first, what does it look like in front of the gate!"

At this time, a lot of people gathered in front of the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion, all for the purpose of having a glimpse of Su Ming, a disciple of the sect.

Su Ming glanced at Marquis Wu An indifferently, cupped his hands and said, "What father said is true."

The lobby of the Marquis of Wu'an.

As soon as he sat down, Marquis Wu An immediately asked: "Ming'er, didn't you say that your master will also be a guest? Why didn't you see him as an old man?"

A look of unnaturalness flashed across Su Ming's eyes very quickly, his face was calm, and he said: "Master, he has something to do, so he can't get away for a while. Originally, he planned to go home with me after finishing the work, but Master reads that I have been away from home for many years. For the sake of homesickness, let me go home first."

What he said not only explained the cause and effect clearly, but also showed off how he was "favored" in the sect.

A haughty look appeared on Fan Xiafang's face, her son was indeed the best!
Su Yueshan was in a hurry: "Then what should I do?"

The shrill voice made Su Ming frown. He scanned the crowd and found that the faces of Marquis Wu An and the others suddenly became a little ugly.

"Did something happen?"

Fan Xiafang tightly squeezed the handkerchief in her hand, her heavily made-up face twisted slightly: "Aren't they all that little bastard!"

Su Ming was a little surprised, "Su Rao? Isn't she just a waste who can't cultivate? How capable is she?"

 233333 Did anyone guess it was grandpa?

(End of this chapter)

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