Chapter 142 First Grade Longevity Pill
Su Rao calmly circulated the spiritual power in her body to repair the injury.

The phoenix eyes were raised, and the eyes were cold, "Rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry. Su Ming, stop acting like a good brother, it's disgusting!"

Su Ming's face was as gloomy as water, and his eyes became more and more cold, "Su Rao, I underestimated you in the past! It's hard to pretend for you for so many years!"

Not only Su Ming, but also Marquis Wu An and the others thought that Su Rao's cowardly and incompetent appearance was just pretending to confuse them. After all, no matter how much a person changes, it is impossible for him to change so much overnight.

For their misunderstanding, Su Rao is happy to see it come true.

"Su Rao, don't push yourself too hard. Ben Hou doesn't care whether you were pretending or real in the past. If you don't obediently untie the hands and feet you made on Shanshan today and kneel down to apologize, don't blame Ben. Hou is not polite to you!" Marquis Wu An threatened coldly, his voice full of murderous aura.

"Hehe." Su Rao chuckled, "You're welcome? Are you planning to kill me? To tell you the truth, Su Yueshan's life is already tied to mine. As long as I die, she can't run away either. If you don't believe me If so, go ahead and give it a try!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone's faces changed drastically, with expressions of surprise and uncertainty.

Their first reaction was that Su Rao was lying, but seeing Su Rao's confident look, Marquis Wu An and the others couldn't help believing it.

In fact, Su Rao did not lie this time. Once she dies, the death coordinates on Su Yueshan and Yingying will lose control, and the death energy will spread little by little, eventually devouring the host's vitality.

Su Rao's gaze scanned the crowd, and finally stopped on Su Yueshan with a pale face. She curled her lips coldly, "If there is a big sister as a companion on the Huangquan Road, I don't think I will be lonely anymore."

Su Yueshan couldn't help trembling slightly, her delicate face was full of horror, she turned to Su Ming and the others with a begging gaze, "Father, mother, brother, help me! I don't want to die!"

Su Ming lowered his gaze and looked at Su Rao, "Su Rao, don't forget, after all, you are from the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion, and you are nothing without the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion!"

These words are undoubtedly threatening Su Rao to drive her out of the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion.

Su Rao curled her lips into a smile. She had emptied the treasure house of the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion. She had nothing to miss. She originally planned to leave after breaking through as a spiritual master. It doesn't make much difference if she leaves early or late.

Seeing that Su Rao was unmoved, Su Ming's eyes flickered, and he took out a jade porcelain bottle from the storage ring, and opened it. Inside was a pill, and a faint scent of the medicine diffused instantly.

Su Ming looked at Su Rao, his voice was indifferent and arrogant, "Su Rao, you are a useless body that cannot be cultivated, and you are destined to have a short lifespan. This first-grade longevity pill can not only prolong your lifespan, but also strengthen your physique. Let you suffer less pain."

【Pfft! 】

In the system space, Yaoyaoling couldn't help laughing.

【I'm dying of laughter!I thought he would come up with some treasures!A mere first-grade elixir wants to buy off the host?Hahaha~~ Master host, what kind of expression would he have if he knew you were a first-grade pharmacist? 】

As long as the materials are complete, this first-grade life-extending pill can be refined by its host with eyes closed!

Moreover, the quality of the Yipin Yanshou Pill in Su Ming's hands is extremely low, and the effect after taking it is better than nothing. It is clear that he feels that the host has short-sightedness and deliberately exaggerated the efficacy of the medicine!
(End of this chapter)

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