Chapter 143

If it was the original owner, they might be fooled.It's a pity that the one standing in front of Su Ming now is Su Rao who has changed her core!
Looking at the smug Su Ming, Su Rao was speechless.

I really want to take out all the hundreds of first-grade pills piled up in the system space and smash them on his face.

Su Ming saw that Su Rao was looking at the first-grade life-extending pill in his hand, and didn't speak. He mistakenly thought that Su Rao was intimidated, and snorted in his heart with disdain. He really was a waste who had never seen the world. Was scared silly.

At this time, Su Rao slowly reached out and took the jade porcelain bottle containing the longevity pill from him.

Seeing this, Su Ming felt even more disdainful.

With a slight lift of his jaw, he looked down at Su Rao and said, "Su Rao, as long as you untie it obediently..."


Before he finished speaking, Su Rao threw the jade porcelain bottle on the ground. The jade porcelain bottle shattered instantly, and the longevity pill rolled to the ground, covered with dust.

"Su, Rao!"

The haughty smile on Su Ming's face froze instantly, and he flew into a rage.

Su Rao ignored him at all and stepped on the longevity pill!
She raised her eyes to look at Su Ming, her eyes were sarcasm, "This kind of rubbish is ashamed to be a treasure, it seems that you are not doing well in Purple Cloud Sect!"

Su Ming's face turned extremely ugly, like a wild cat whose tail was stepped on, furious: "Su Rao, I'm going to kill you!"

He circulated his spiritual power, his five fingers turned into claws, and rushed towards Su Rao's face.

Su Rao didn't dodge or dodge, she stood where she was, when Su Ming's hand was only ten centimeters away from her——


An incomparably shrill scream sounded suddenly from behind him.

As if someone had pressed the pause button, Su Ming's attack stopped instantly.

He looked at Su Rao with a sinister gaze, and was once again irritated by the mocking smile on her face, wishing to tear up the disgusting face in front of him immediately.

However, the screams behind him became more and more horrific.

Su Ming stared at Su Rao coldly, and withdrew his hand bitterly.

At the same time, the screams stopped again.

Su Yueshan fell into her mother's arms, her clothes were soaked in sweat, and her face was pale.

"Do you want to continue?" Su Rao looked at Su Ming sarcastically, with a provocative expression.

Su Ming clenched his fists and shot twice in a row, but Su Rao was unscathed, but his sister was the one who suffered!
Su Rao's naked provocative behavior undoubtedly slapped him hard on the face, and he also spat at the way.

Su Rao didn't care about the cannibalistic stares of Marquis Wu'an and the others.

Shrugging, "Is there anything else? If not, I'll take a step first."

Her time is very precious. Seeing that the breakthrough healer is coming soon, it is already a great honor for her to spare some free time.

Marquis Wu'an and others became popular.

But so what if Su Rao is left behind, she can't be beaten or scolded, if she disagrees with her, Su Yueshan will be stabbed.

Seeing that they were silent, Su Rao smiled sassyly, looked at Su Ming, and raised her eyebrows: "Brother, welcome home, you can come to me to exchange feelings when you have time."

Su Ming choked for breath, his face was extremely ugly.

Su Rao gave him a big smile as if she didn't see it, and turned around and left with a cool back.

After Su Rao walked away, Su Ming was still staring at the direction she was leaving with a cold light in his eyes.

"Ming'er, what should we do next?" Fan Xiafang looked at Su Ming and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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