Chapter 145 Fengyun Auction House

Speaking of the Ouyang Chamber of Commerce, one has to mention the Ouyang family.

There are many super families in Xuantian Continent. They have a long history and profound heritage, and each has different inheritance.

The Ouyang family is one of the super families.

The Ouyang Chamber of Commerce is very powerful and has strong financial resources. No one in the Xuantian Continent knows it, and no one knows it.

Su Rao thought of Ouyang Min who had met her once, and a flash of thought flashed in her phoenix eyes. No matter in terms of demeanor or conversation, that Ouyang Min would not be a simple person, and it was very likely that he would be from the Ouyang family. core children.

Being able to call brothers and sisters with the Ouyang family, Diyan's identity would not be easy.

Shadow nodded, "That's true, Miss Su should also remember Mr. Ouyang, right?"

"Remember, what happened?"

Shadow said: "The grand auction held by Fengyun Auction House every six months will be tomorrow. Mr. Ouyang sent someone to contact his subordinates and asked Ms. Su if you are interested in participating?"

Su Rao's eyes lit up.

In modern times, before the end of the world, she was a poor student with nothing. After graduation, she started working and was exhausted every day. She had no chance to participate in the auction.

In the end of the world, everyone thinks about how to fill their stomachs, let alone holding auctions.

Seeing that Su Rao was interested, Yin Ying immediately took out an invitation letter and presented it with both hands.

"Miss Su, this is the invitation letter sent by Mr. Ouyang."

Su Rao took it.

The whole body of the invitation post is silvery white, surrounded by black patterns, revealing a low-key and mysterious feeling.

Su Rao faintly felt the fluctuation of spiritual power from the invitation letter, and raised her eyebrows.

Seeing this, Shadow explained: "This is to prevent someone from forging the invitation letter. Fengyun Auction House will have people entrusting things for auction every day, and the value of the auction items varies, so whether people who participate in the auction can get good things depends entirely on By luck.

But the grand auction held every six months is different. The auction items are all treasures selected by Fengyun Auction House. Therefore, many people want to participate, but only those with invitation letters can participate.Miss Su, do you want to participate? "

After listening to Shadow's explanation, Su Rao's phoenix eyes became more interested.

If it was the past, Su Rao would definitely refuse without even thinking about it. There is no other reason, just one word "poor"!
But now, the treasury of the Hou Mansion has been emptied by her, so what are you afraid of!

So, Su Rao took the case and decided, "Of course I'm going!"


The auction will be held in the evening of the second day.

In order to avoid trouble, Su Rao disguised herself as a teenager again, climbed over the wall and left the Hou Mansion.

Yaoyaoling→_→【Master Host, you are now walking through the main entrance openly, and no one dares to stop you! 】

Su Rao: "Oh, it's convenient to climb over the wall."


Fengyun Auction House is located on the most prosperous West Street in the capital. When Su Rao walked all the way to Fengyun Auction House, there were already many carriages parked outside the gate, all of them were princes and nobles who came to participate in today's auction.

When Su Rao was about to walk into Fengyun Auction House, she glanced out of the corner of her eye and stopped in her footsteps.

Not far from her, I saw two familiar figures - Liu Qi and Luo Zhijie.

Luo Zhijie grabbed Liu Qi's hand and said something viciously, Liu Qi struggled with a reluctance on his face.

The distance was a bit far, so Su Rao couldn't hear what the two were saying, but it didn't prevent her from reading their expressions and body language.

 The heroine who likes to climb over the wall and doesn't like to walk through the front door ╮(─▽─)╭

(End of this chapter)

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