Chapter 146 The queen is a badass?

Three black lines slid down Su Rao's forehead.

[Master host, I find that every time I meet Liu Qi, an unlucky kid, she is either being troubled by others, or entangled by rotten peach blossoms, the system is also drunk! 】Yao Yaoling complained.

Su Rao rolled her eyes and walked straight over.

Yaoyaoling was taken aback, and became more and more curious.

Its host has always been a person who doesn't like to be nosy, but for Liu Qi, the host has broken this principle one after another. What is so special about this Liu Qi?

As Su Rao approached, the conversation between the two was heard clearly.

"Liu Qi, follow Master Ben obediently, Master Ben will take pictures of the marrow wash tonight for you!"

Liu Qi's right hand was firmly grasped by Luo Zhijie, she struggled and said, "No need, I will buy marrow washing liquid myself!"

Luo Zhijie sneered, "Liu Qi, how many people came here for the marrow wash tonight, don't you know in your heart that you want to take pictures of the marrow wash?"

Liu Qi pursed her lips, and replied: "That's not too worrying!"

Luo Zhijie's expression sank, his expression was very displeased, and he said viciously: "Liu Qi, you were lucky last time, someone rescued you! This time you are not so lucky! This young master will tie you back now, and take it!" you!"

Liu Qi's face suddenly turned pale, and she suddenly remembered the night in the Chixia Mountains, and her body trembled slightly.

Luo Zhijie sneered, looked around and saw that no one noticed them, so he wanted to take Liu Qi away by force.

At this time-

A slender white hand clasped him firmly.

"Who is so bold? How dare you spoil Ben Shao's good deeds?!"

Luo Zhijie looked ferocious, turned his head and stared at him angrily, his eyes were dumbfounded.

Dressed in white clothes that outshine the snow, the handsome young man is like a blooming snow lotus on the top of Tianshan Mountain, beautiful and holy.

A flash of amazement flashed in Luo Zhijie's eyes, and he immediately came back to his senses. Although he likes beautiful women, he has no choice but to be female, and has no interest in teenagers.

Suddenly, Liu Qi's voice full of surprise came from beside his ear, "Young Master Lei!"

Luo Zhijie frowned, turned around and saw Liu Qi's face was full of joy, her eyes were like spring water, this appearance was clearly that of a Huaichun girl meeting someone she likes!
Luo Zhijie suddenly became angry from embarrassment, "Liu Qi, how dare you!"

He looked like he was being cuckolded, grabbed Liu Qi's hand and squeezed it hard, Liu Qi's face turned pale immediately, and she cried out in pain.

"Let go of her!"

A voice as cold as spring water came, with a hint of warning.

Luo Zhijie looked at Su Rao with a sinister gaze, "Little boy, you're sensible! You'd better go as far as you can, otherwise, I will teach you a lesson today!"

Luo Zhijie saw that the fabric of Su Rao's clothes was high-end, which meant that his status was either rich or expensive, and this was the boundary of Fengyun Auction House, so he didn't want to cause trouble, so he just sounded a warning.

Su Rao didn't speak, her eyes narrowed slightly, she pinched Luo Zhijie's hand and exerted a little force on a certain acupuncture point.

Luo Zhijie suddenly felt a numbness in his palm, and involuntarily let go of the restraint, and Liu Qi took the opportunity to get rid of his shackles.

"come over."

Liu Qi hid behind Su Rao, pursed her red lips, and whispered, "Mr. Lei..."

Su Rao withdrew her hand and looked back at her, "Are you all right?"

Liu Qi nodded.

"Little boy, you want to be beaten!"

Luo Zhijie looked at the scene of the two "Qingqing, me, me", and suddenly became exasperated. With spiritual power concentrated in the palm of his hand, he attacked Su Rao!

 Six more!good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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