Chapter 147 Come Out, Flame Leopard

"Young Master Lei, be careful!"

Liu Qi exclaimed.

Su Rao curled her lips coldly, stretched out her arms, and put her arms around Liu Qi's slender waist towards her side. The two turned slightly sideways, and Luo Zhijie was caught in the air.

Liu Qi leaned against Su Rao, her cheeks were flushed, she raised her head, her pair of watery almond eyes stared at the youthful face of Jiyue.

Luo Zhijie missed a single hit, and seeing the two people's "love and concubine", he was so angry that he lost his mind, and stared at Liu Qi with red eyes.


He rushed towards the two of them!

Su Rao withdrew her hand from Liu Qi's waist, and said softly, "Stay here, don't move!"

Step forward and stand in front of Liu Qi.

Looking at Luo Zhijie who was attacking him with anger all over his face, Su Rao sneered.

Luo Zhijie has been obsessed with beauty all year round, and he has the cultivation base of a seven-star spirit servant, and he is full of wine and food.Such Luo Zhijie, let alone one, even if multiplied by ten, would not be Su Rao's opponent.

It was still early, and there was still some time before the auction started, so Su Rao was not in a hurry to beat Luo Zhijie to the ground.

Luo Zhijie was waving his fists desperately, while Su Rao was walking away in a leisurely manner, with a lazy and elegant posture.

When there was such a big commotion, the people around naturally noticed it. Many people gathered around, pointing and discussing. Many of them even recognized Luo Zhijie and Liu Qi.

"Oh my god, who is that boy in white? He's so handsome!"

"The appearance is very strange, and he should not be a native of the capital."

"Look, is the other person Prime Minister Luo's son, Young Master Luo?"

"It seems to be. Hey, isn't that Liu Qi from Fuchun Pavilion? It turns out that she is jealous for the beauty!"



Luo Zhijie stopped attacking, sweating profusely from exhaustion, standing still and gasping for breath.

Su Rao stood a few meters away from him, raised her eyebrows, and said provocatively, "Is it too soon?"


Luo Zhijie gritted his teeth angrily as he looked at the boy in white in front of him.

This young man in white is as slippery as a loach, every time he looks like a fist is about to fall on him, but every time in the end he can easily dodge it!

It's completely treating him like a monkey!
"Little boy, you forced me!" Luo Zhijie smiled angrily, with a hint of sinister in his smile.

Su Rao's phoenix eyes froze. At this time, Liu Qi, who was watching the battle, reminded: "Mr. Lei, he is going to release his soul pet!"

A look of viciousness flashed in Luo Zhijie's eyes, and he roared: "Come out, Fiery Leopard!"

As Luo Zhijie finished speaking, a majestic and majestic leopard suddenly appeared in front of him, a pair of deep eyes shone with a bloodthirsty red light, and its mouth was slightly opened, revealing its sharp fangs.

There was an uproar all around.

"I heard that Luo Shao has a seven-star second-order spiritual pet, and I finally saw it today!"

"It's over, that boy in white is dead today!"

"Hey, it's a pity, she looks so good-looking and has good skills."


Su Rao's face darkened, and her brows were slightly frowned, "Yao Yaoling, the aura of this flame leopard is very unstable."

[Master Host, I feel it too. 】

Yaoyaoling's voice was low.

[This flame leopard looks like it has just grown up, it is impossible to have the strength of the second level of the seven stars, and it is probably forcibly improved by people with drugs. 】

Once a spirit beast is an adult, it is extremely difficult to domesticate, but it is much easier to domesticate a spirit beast in its young stage.

 23333 come out, kabuda

(End of this chapter)

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