Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 148 Your spiritual pet is nothing more than that!

Chapter 148 Your spiritual pet is nothing more than that!
There are shops in the capital that sell cubs of spirit beasts. Flame leopards are not rare spirit beasts, and they can be bought easily if you have money.

[Master Host, although the strength of this flame leopard was forcibly enhanced by drugs, it is still six stars higher than you!Otherwise, retreat first? 】

Yaoyaoling suggested.

"No need." Su Rao refused coldly, the phoenix eyes flashed brightly, "Just use it to practice your hands!"

If this flame leopard was promoted to the second-level seven-star by itself, Su Rao might still hesitate for a few seconds, but the strength to be forcibly improved with medicine... Su Rao estimated that the real combat power of this flame leopard would be comparable to that of a five-star second-level spirit beast no big difference.

She is a body of chaos, and she has also practiced the powerful god-level exercise "Chaos Jue", which has a very good chance of winning against a five-star second-level spirit beast.

"Flaming Leopard, tear off that little boy!" Luo Zhijie ordered viciously.


The Flaming Leopard let out a roar that resounded through the sky, kicked its hind legs on the ground, leaped into the air, and rushed towards Su Rao!

The sharp front claws are shining with cold light!

"Young Master Lei!"

Liu Qi cried out nervously, her pretty face was full of tension, her hands were clenched into fists, her joints were slightly white.

Su Rao curled her lips coldly, tapped her toes, jumped up, and a silver whip suddenly appeared in her hand.

Su Rao condensed the wind energy under her feet, as fast as lightning.

An afterimage of a whip swept across.


The Flaming Leopard let out a cry of pain, and there was a conspicuous whip mark on its strong and muscular body, its flesh and blood were ripped apart and dripping with blood!

Su Rao VS Flaming Leopard, in the first round, Su Rao wins!

Su Rao landed steadily, stood still, turned her head to look at Luo Zhijie who hadn't recovered yet, her eyes were indifferent, and the corners of her clothes were flying.

"Your spiritual pet is nothing more than that!"

The surrounding area immediately exploded!

Everyone thought that if the young man in white faced the Flame Leopard, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

But now, the injured... is the Flaming Leopard.

"One-star spiritual master, this boy turned out to be a one-star spiritual master! My God! He looks at most 15, no! I'm afraid he is not even 14 years old!"

"Hey! Don't forget, that flaming leopard is a second-level spiritual pet of a seven-star spirit, comparable to a seven-star healer, six full stars higher than him!"

"A 14-year-old one-star spiritual master, plus the terrifying fighting power of leapfrog fighting! Genius, proper genius!"

"I really hope he is from our Dongxu country. If that's the case, our Dongxu country will definitely win this year's competition!"



Su Rao keenly caught this key word, and a trace of deep thought flashed across her phoenix eyes.

"Ah! Damn you, you dare to hurt this young master's spiritual pet!" Luo Zhijie was completely furious when he came back to his senses!

"Flaming Leopard, kill him! Kill him immediately!"


Because of the injury, the Flaming Leopard was also completely enraged, and raised its head to the sky and let out several angry roars.

Suddenly, it opened its mouth wide!

Su Rao's heart skipped a beat, and an ominous premonition suddenly rose.

"Young Master Lei, get out of here!"

Accompanied by Liu Qi's anxious voice, a billowing flame spewed out from the flame leopard's mouth, sweeping towards Su Rao with terrifying spiritual power!

The full blow of the Flame Leopard not only hit Su Rao, but also the surrounding crowd.

"Run away!"

The surrounding crowd screamed in horror and fled in all directions.

The dark shadow not far away stared slightly, and his hand was already on the hilt of the sword at his waist. Just when he was about to rush out to save someone, Su Rao moved!

(End of this chapter)

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