Chapter 149 Kick and fly

Su Rao concentrated all her spiritual energy on the silver whip.

In everyone's horrified sight, the silver whip looked like a hunting silver snake, with its bloody mouth wide open, pounced on its prey!

The silver whip hit Lie Yan straight, and in an instant, the rolling Lie Yan was crushed by the silver whip!
Accompanied by the roiling heat wave, the flames turned into sparks, flying in the air, and gradually dissipated.


Deathly silence.

The fleeing crowd stopped, Luo Zhijie opened his mouth blankly, and the arrogant smile on his face was still there.

Looking at the young man's slender but straight back, Liu Qi was fascinated.


A sneer broke the silence, Su Rao looked at the silver whip in her hand, the whip she snatched from Su Yueshan was already scarred and could no longer be used.

Su Rao is a body of chaos, and her spiritual power reserves are far superior to other cultivators. A mere middle-grade magical weapon can't withstand her majestic spiritual power like the sea.

Fortunately, he persisted just now and completely defeated the Flame Leopard's full blow, otherwise, Su Rao would have to go into battle with bare hands.

Su Rao casually threw away the silver whip, turned over her plain hand, and a sharp dagger suddenly appeared in her hand.

She attacked the Flaming Leopard, who looked tired because of exhaustion of spiritual power!


Luo Zhijie snapped back to his senses, yelled, and looked terrified.

Don't give him a chance to take the flame leopard back into the spirit beast space, poof!

Blood splattered!

The Flame Leopard, whose spiritual power was exhausted, had no power to resist, and Su Rao directly cut off the main artery of the throat, and the bright red blood spurted into the air!
The Flaming Leopard opened its mouth wide and made a "ho ho" sound, and died after a while.

"Pfft! Ahhh! I'm going to kill you!"

The soul pet died, Luo Zhijie was backlashed by the contract, spit out a mouthful of blood, fell into extreme anger, his eyes were red, and he completely lost his mind.

He drew out the long sword at his waist and stabbed Su Rao in the back.

"Young man be careful!" Someone in the crowd couldn't help shouting.

Su Rao seemed to have eyes behind her back, and she dodged sideways, and the sharp long sword slid across her side.

Luo Zhijie flew into the air, his body staggered, and Su Rao, who did not know when to dodge behind him, raised his foot, aimed at his buttocks, and kicked hard!
This kick hit Luo Zhijie's ass heavily. Su Rao, who is already a spiritual master, has so much strength. Far, fell a dog gnawing mud!

The people around, including Liu Qi, were dumbfounded.

First, he beheaded the flame leopard of the second rank of the Seven Stars, and now he kicked Luo Zhijie, the Seven Star Spirit Attendant, into the air, instantly killing him!

This young man... is so strong!
Su Rao slowly withdrew her feet, looked at Luo Zhijie who couldn't get up for a long time not far away, raised her eyebrows, touched her chin as if talking to herself: "Uh, it seems that my feet are a bit heavy."

In the system space, Yaoyaoling was speechless.

[Master host, are you sure this is called You, Dian (accent) heavy? 】

It's very heavy, okay?
Su Rao heard what Yao Yaoling meant, curled her lips, and then frowned.

After all, the Flaming Leopard was six stars higher than her. In order to withstand that blow, Su Rao's spiritual power was also exhausted.If Luo Zhijie hadn't been injured by the backlash of the contract, he would have been in trouble.

At this moment--

"Dump Dump"

A series of hurried footsteps came from far to near.

"It's the imperial army coming!" someone said in the crowd.

 23333 dog chewing mud with face on the ground
(End of this chapter)

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