Chapter 166 The inexplicable man

In the teahouse not far away, the window on the second floor is facing the martial arts platform obliquely, and a pair of deep black eyes are staring at the girl's back as she slowly recedes.

[Master host, at three o'clock behind you, there is a man who has been watching you. 】

Su Rao walked towards the Hou's Mansion, and suddenly the solemn and serious voice of the Yaoyaoling came from his mind.

She stared straight ahead and kept walking, "I know."

Don't look at Su Rao's usual lazy appearance, in fact, her vigilance has never been relaxed, especially outside.This is a habit she has accumulated over time during the seven years in the last days.

The first time that line of sight appeared, she had already sensed it keenly, but the other party gave her the feeling that there was no malice, so, based on the principle that one more thing is worse than one thing less, she acted as if she didn't know anything.

Of course—

[Master Host, is he following up? 】

Yaoyaoling reminded.

Su Rao frowned, her brisk body flashed into an alley next to her.

A few seconds later, a tall and slender figure of a man appeared at the entrance of the alley. The narrow alley was unobstructed, and there was no one in it. The figure of the girl seemed to disappear out of thin air.

The man raised his eyebrows slightly, and suddenly swept his wide sleeves, and a strong wind galloped in a certain direction.

Su Rao, who was hiding on the wall, was caught off guard by the strong wind and was swept down. Fortunately, she reacted in time and made a 360°Thomas turn in mid-air, and then landed firmly!

[…] Host, are you here to be funny?
After Su Rao stood firm, she looked at the man a few meters away, narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, and there was a dangerous light in her eyes, "Who are you?"

The man was dressed in a white robe, his figure was as slender as a bamboo, and his long black hair was fixed with a hosta, revealing a handsome face with light eyebrows, just like Hsinchu after the rain.

The man looked at Su Rao with a touch of nostalgia in his eyes.

After a long time, the man sighed faintly, "It's been 12 years, you've grown up."

Su Rao's head was at a loss for a word without beginning or end. Although she didn't feel any malice from the other party, she didn't relax her vigilance and asked, "Who the hell are you? What do you want from me?"

The man didn't answer, but stared at her deeply, as if looking for someone's shadow in her, and after a while, he said: "You can't go to the Zongmen disciple selection competition."

Su Rao felt baffled, when walking on the road, an unknown person suddenly popped up, ran up to you and said "you can't do anything", to be honest, if it wasn't that he couldn't beat the other party, Su Rao would definitely whip him right now , By the way, send another sentence of "crazy"!
Seeing that Su Rao completely listened to his words, the man frowned and repeated: "You can't go to the Zongmen disciple selection competition."

After a pause, he added, "You will be in danger."

Su Rao was taken aback for a moment, and then a flash of light flashed in her mind, and she suddenly remembered the seal in her body.

Some people don't want her to practice, and want her to live her life like an ordinary person.

If the person who imposed the seal wanted to harm Su Rao, he could just kill him, but he didn't.

What does this mean?
It means that the other party wants to protect Su Rao!
Su Rao looked at him sharply, could it be this man?

Frowning tightly, he asked again word by word: "You, to, what, are, who?"

Damn, don't patronize Beep, but explain your identity first!

 Let's guess, who is the new beautiful boy?

(End of this chapter)

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