Chapter 167 One Mystery After Another
The man frowned, and finally remembered that he had talked for a long time, but forgot the most important thing.

"He Fanyang, your father's friend."

Su Rao froze for a moment, then realized that he was referring to Su Xiao.

Su Xiao's friend?
Su Rao sized He Fanyang up and down suspiciously, he looked good and his figure was OK, but...

Nima!You look like you are in your early twenties at most, I believe you when you say you are Su Xiao's illegitimate son!But friends?
Flip the table!Ghost letter!
[...Master Host, have you forgotten?The higher the cultivator's cultivation base, the longer the life span will be.The aura emanating from this man is very strong. According to the judgment of this system, Shadow is definitely not his opponent! 】

When Su Rao heard the reminder from the demon spirit, she suddenly realized that this is the Xuantian Continent, and many things cannot be judged by common sense.

For example, how old is the man in front of me who looks a little dumb but is extremely powerful?

Well, this is a very thought-provoking question.

While Su Rao was thinking wildly in her mind, she asked quietly and tentatively, "Do you know Su...uh, where is my father now?"

He Fan raised his eyebrows and suddenly revealed a slight sadness, and looked away, "I don't know either."

Su Rao: "..." Could you please restrain that guilty expression on your face first?
(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻ I'm afraid I don't know if you're lying?
However, Su Rao just asked casually, and she had no interest in Su Xiao's whereabouts.

[…] An indifferent host.

Before Su Rao continued to probe, He Fanyang suddenly said, "I still have something to do, see you later."

After all, with a flash of figure, the whole person disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Su Rao: "..."


The corner of Su Rao's mouth twitched: "Is he guilty?"

【……seems like it. 】

Su Rao rubbed her chin and fell into deep thought. He Fanyang, who claimed to be Su Xiao's friend, obviously didn't want her to keep asking about Su Xiao's whereabouts.

The missing parents, the seal in the body, and He Fanyang's warning.

Can't participate in the Zongmen disciple selection competition?
One mystery after another passed through Su Rao's mind one by one. She faintly felt that there must be a connection between these mysteries, but one of the most important things was missing, a clue that could connect them together.

After thinking for a while, Su Rao said indifferently: "Forget it! I'm too lazy to think about it, just go with the flow! Well, I seem to be overthinking it, so I'll go back after buying something to eat!"



The lobby of the Marquis of Wu'an.

Wu'anhou's family was sitting upright, but their eyes were carefully sizing up a certain man who was sipping tea elegantly, their expressions were full of respect.

After the man put down the teacup, Marquis Wu An hurriedly asked: "Elder He, I wonder if this tea suits your taste?"

Before Su Ming returned home, he mentioned in a letter that his master Elder He loved drinking tea very much.Therefore, Marquis Wu'an specially bought spirit tea at a high price, one tael worth [-] gold coins.

Thinking of this astonishing price, Marquis Wu'an was heartbroken.But as long as you can please the man in front of you, everything is worth it!

He Fanyang glanced at Marquis Wu An who was full of smiles, and frowned lightly. The man in front of him was really Brother Su's own younger brother, why did he feel so different!
Nodding lightly, "It's okay."

Marquis Wu An finally let go of Gao Gao's raised heart, and said: "That's good, that's good."

(End of this chapter)

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