Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 168 Destined to be trampled underfoot

Chapter 168 Destined to be trampled underfoot

Su Ming looked at He Fanyang and asked respectfully, "Master, how long will you stay in Dongxu Country this time?"

He Fanyang frowned, and was about to speak when Marquis Wu An took the lead in scolding: "Ming'er! What are you talking about, kid! It's our honor for Elder He to come to the Marquis' mansion as a guest!"

Then, he looked at He Fanyang and smiled obsequiously, "Elder He, don't be angry, Ming'er is like this, sometimes he can't talk out of his head."

He Fanyang glanced at Marquis Wu An indifferently, "It's all right."

Su Ming pursed his lips, looking at He Fanyang with an inadvertent look of anxiety.Didn't Master say that he will come only next month?Why did you come early all of a sudden!Damn it, Qingxinzhu hasn't been found yet, what if Master finds out...

Su Ming clenched his fists slowly, feeling extremely uneasy.

Marquis Wu'an and the others at the side didn't notice his son's strong mood swings at all. Fan Xiafang winked at Su Yueshan, and Su Yueshan understood.

"Elder He, this is the little girl Shanshan." Fan Xiafang pulled Su Yueshan to He Fanyang, "Shanshan, hurry up and salute!"

Su Yueshan hastily bowed and saluted, and said delicately: "Yueshan, I have met Elder He!"

Su Yueshan's face was flushed with excitement, and her eyes kept looking at He Fanyang's handsome face. Although her cultivation talent was far inferior to that of her elder brother, as long as she could successfully please this Elder He, who would be left in the entire Dongxu Kingdom? Dare to look down on yourself!And that bastard Su Rao, just wait and see!You are destined to be stepped on by this lady in this life!

He Fanyang nodded slightly, "You are Su Ming's younger sister? Su Ming often mentions you, that's right."

Su Yueshan was even more excited when she received Elder He's compliment.

Fan Xiafang's face brightened, her eyes rolled up, and she was about to take this opportunity to ask He Fanyang to give Su Yueshan a diagnosis and treatment, so as to undo what Su Rao had done to her.

At this time, He Fanyang suddenly asked, "By the way, Su Ming, I remember that you have a cousin who also lives in Marquis Wu'an's mansion, why is she not seen?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Wu Anhou's family changed slightly.

How could Elder He (Master) know that little bastard? !
Although Marquis Wu An and the others tried their best to conceal their gaffe, He Fanyang's sharp eyes caught the strangeness on their faces immediately.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, a look of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

Just when Marquis Wu'an and the others were in doubt, He Fanyang continued: "I think back then, when Su Xiao entered the Xuantian Continent, he was famous far and wide, and I have heard of his name in Ziyunzong. Hey, it's a pity that heaven is jealous of Yingcai. However, I heard that he still has a daughter."

There was a trace of regret in the words.

Marquis Wu An and the others immediately felt relieved when they heard the words.

"So that's how it is," Marquis Wu An quickly replied, "That child is timid and doesn't like to meet outsiders. We were worried that we would offend you, Elder He, so we didn't let her come."

Su Yueshan also hurriedly added: "Little... cousin, she has no parents at a young age, and because she can't practice, she has a somewhat withdrawn personality."

The father and daughter sang together, and tried their best to belittle Su Rao without any trace in their words, in order to let He Fanyang dispel the idea of ​​seeing Su Rao.

However, they didn't realize that He Fanyang's gaze towards them became colder and colder.

 Sorry it's late, a bit of a Calvin
  In other words, no one should guess that Elder He is Su Xiao's friend, right?

(End of this chapter)

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