Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 170 This news is no different from an atomic bomb

Chapter 170 This news is no different from an atomic bomb
He Fanyang frowned, that's not what he meant at all!

"Su Rao! You are still standing there in a daze, why don't you hurry up and apologize to Elder He! Elder He is your brother's master, the majestic elder of Ziyun Sect, it is your good fortune to meet you, you don't know how to cherish it, how can you?" So rude!" Su Yueshan on the side spoke, and glared at Su Rao angrily, as if she was a heinous sinner.

Su Rao: "..." A group of inexplicable psychopaths!
"Su Rao, usually you are rude to us at home and we don't care about you. Now that you have angered Elder He, don't blame Second Aunt for being cruel to you!" Fan Xiafang looked earnest, as if she was really doing it for Su Rao, but there is a malicious light in her eyes, revealing her true purpose.

On the surface, he was speaking for Su Rao, but in fact, every sentence made a pitfall, and he almost didn't directly say that Su Rao is a savage, self-willed, arrogant, white-eyed wolf.

Su Rao's eyes were slightly cold. She didn't want to speak because she didn't want to waste her energy on this group of mentally ill people. It wasn't because she was afraid of them. In the end, they went too far. Are soft persimmons easy to bully!
However, before Su Rao got angry, someone did it first.


An angry shout suddenly interrupted Marquis Wu'an and others' denunciation of Su Rao, and everyone turned their attention to the angry He Fanyang.

Su Ming at the side stepped forward pretending to be clever, and hurriedly said, "Master, don't be angry. From now on, we will definitely take good care of the church girl, and it will definitely not be like today..."

"To shut up!"

He Fanyang quickly stood up from the chair, looked at the terrified Marquis of Wu'an and the others with cold eyes, and asked coldly: "What a Marquis of Wu'an, is this how you treat Brother Su's children?!"

Brother Su?
These three words exploded in their ears like thunder, causing Marquis Wu An and the others to have a blank mind, and they were stunned in place.

Marquis Wu An's face was pale and his lips trembled: "He...Elder He, what do you mean by that?"

He Fanyang's face was cold, and the coldness emanating from his body was enough to freeze everything around him into ice slag, and his voice was cold: "Su Xiao, he is my sworn brother."

If it was the three words before and a thunder, then this news is tantamount to an atomic bomb, and the blood on the faces of Marquis Wu An and the others faded away in an instant!
Su Rao, who had been watching the play, was also taken aback. Although she could see that He Fanyang and Su Xiao should have a long friendship, she didn't expect that they would be sworn brothers!
"Master, you are joking, right?" Su Ming looked at He Fanyang expectantly, his face pale.

He Fanyang looked at him condescendingly, his gaze was indifferent like never before, "If it wasn't for the fact that you are Brother Su's nephew, why do you think I would accept you as a disciple?"


Su Ming's talent is indeed good, but he is still far from qualified to enter Ziyun School.

If he had known early on that the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion treated Su Rao in this way, he would never have accepted Su Ming as his disciple!Not to mention giving him all kinds of resources and improving his cultivation level with all his heart in the past few years!
"'s impossible..." Su Ming was hit hard, backed away again and again, shaking his head and refusing to believe this fact.

What is Su Ming's greatest pride in this life?Undoubtedly it is the identity of Ziyun Sect disciple.

But now He Fanyang told him that it was all because of others that he could get it!

How could the arrogant Su Ming accept this!
 Hahahaha, tortured to death these self-righteous scum of the Marquis of Wu'an!
  The sixth watch is over!good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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