Chapter 171
"Impossible! I don't believe it!" Su Ming shook his head desperately, falling into a demonic barrier.

He Fanyang looked at him coldly, without any pity in his eyes.

If it were someone else, even if they didn't regard Su Ming as an apprentice, they would always have some affection for raising a dog. However, it is a pity that He Fanyang is a person with indifferent feelings. The feeling of discipleship is only based on Su Xiao's foundation.

And the act of Wu Anhou and others to bully Su Rao just now has completely wiped out that little bit of emotion.

"Su Ming, from today onwards you are no longer a disciple of the Purple Cloud Sect, you should take care of yourself!"

He Fanyang announced his decision coldly.

Marquis Wu An and the others were completely stunned, their minds went blank with a "boom".

"No...Master, don't..." Su Ming's body trembled like a sieve, his stern and proud face turned pale, he stretched out his trembling hands to grab He Fanyang's sleeve, and begged, "Master, don't Drive me out of the teacher's door..."

He Fanyang frowned, pulled back his sleeves fiercely, and looked at him with disgust, "Ziyunzong doesn't need a disciple with bad moral character like you!"

Suddenly, Su Ming seemed to think of something, and yelled frantically: "No! You are not qualified to expel me from Ziyun Sect! I have not violated Ziyun Sect's rules, so you can't expel me from Ziyun Sect!"

Su Ming seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, his back straightened all of a sudden, and he looked at He Fanyang with red eyes.

He Fanyang frowned. Ziyun Sect did have such a rule that even the elders could not expel those who did not make serious mistakes from the sect without permission.


"Su Ming, it is true that this elder cannot expel you from the sect directly."

Su Ming was about to raise a smug smile on his face, but in the next second he fell into another layer of despair.

"However," He Fanyang changed the subject, "withdrawing your status as an inner sect disciple and demoting you to a miscellaneous disciple, this elder still has the right to do so!"

Handyman disciple!

The blood on Su Ming's face faded again, and he gritted his teeth: "Master, you are so cruel!"

Handyman disciples have the lowest status among all disciples of the sect. To put it mildly, they are disciples of the sect, but to put it bluntly, they are servants of the sect!
After He Fanyang gave him a cold look, he looked away, as if Su Ming was not the disciple he had carefully trained for three years, but a stranger who had nothing to do with him.

"Son, I'm sorry for you." He Fanyang came to Su Rao with guilt on his face.

Su Rao raised her eyebrows, but said nothing.

He Fanyang frowned, and looked back at Wu Anhou's family, with undisguised killing intent in his deep black eyes.

Su Yueshan's face was pale. At this time, how could she dare to think about how to please Elder He, and then trampled Su Rao under her feet, and retreated desperately, trying to reduce her sense of existence.

"Elder He, listen to my explanation..." Marquis Wu An paled, wanting to make the last desperate struggle.

"Elder He!" Fan Xiafang pointed at Su Rao suddenly, and shouted in a sharp voice, "Don't be fooled by this girl! She is not Su Xiao's daughter at all! Think about it, Su Xiao is such a stunning and beautiful person, he How can my daughter be a trash who can't cultivate! She is simply a bastard born by her mother who stole a man outside..."

Before Fan Xiafang finished speaking, a sharp wind slapped her right cheek fiercely, and her whole body flew out and hit the pillar in the lobby.

 The little scum of the Su family will continue to dance for a while, so don't rush to be disappointed.Careful little cuties must have discovered some of the foreshadowings that Clumsy Bear had planted before. After drawing out those foreshadowings one by one, the Su family will be completely cannon fodder to say goodbye

(End of this chapter)

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