Chapter 172 Asking for Compensation

Su Yueshan let out a scream, and hurried over to help Fan Xiafang up.

Fan Xiafang's hair was disheveled, her right cheek was swollen, and the corner of her mouth was torn open, dripping blood.

"Let this elder hear another insult to sister-in-law from your mouth, this elder will kill you immediately!" He Fanyang's handsome face was covered with frost, and there was a cold killing intent in his eyes.

Marquis Wu An and the others were stunned, and then they realized that since He Fanyang is Su Xiao's sworn brother, it is very likely that he knew Su Rao's mother!

Even judging from his appearance, it seems that the two of them have a good relationship!

He Fanyang suppressed the killing intent rolling in his chest. As a witness of Su Xiao's vigorous love, no one knew better than him how deep their relationship was!

And this woman actually questioned Su Rao's background in front of him!
Fan Xiafang's words not only slandered Su Rao's mother's innocence, but also insulted the love between the two!

If it weren't for these people being Su Xiao's only relatives, He Fanyang couldn't guarantee that he would bloodbath the entire Marquis of Wu'an Mansion in a fit of anger.

Fan Xiafang covered her face, not daring to continue speaking, a strong unwillingness flashed in her eyes.

What good is that bitch other than a face? !Su Xiao likes her, even this Elder He is speaking for her, why!
"How you treated Rao Rao in the past, this elder can see that you, Su Xiao's relatives, forget the past. But, from now on, if you dare to bully Rao Rao again, this elder will definitely make you pay the price." He Fan Yang looked coldly at the people in the Hou Mansion and said.


"Don't be so troublesome."

Su Rao, who had been watching the show with cold eyes, suddenly said, with cold eyes, "I don't want to stay in such a smoky place for a long time, and today I will move out from the Marquis of Wu'an's residence."

Everyone was stunned, no one expected that Su Rao would do such a trick.

Marquis Wu An was dumbfounded. If it was the past, he would of course wish that Su Rao would leave, but now... his eyes looked at the cold He Fanyang, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Ah Rao, in the past it was bad for the second uncle, from now on..."

"Hehe!" A mocking sneer interrupted Wu Anhou's next words.

Su Rao looked at him sarcastically, "Why don't you feel tired if you can say something against your will? Don't disgust people by acting like a loving elder. I've seen enough of your hypocrisy for a long time. "

The camouflaged loving expression on Marquis Wu'an's face instantly froze, and cracks appeared little by little.

After a pause, Su Rao continued: "Also, you know how you have treated me in the past ten years. Don't you like to think of yourself as an elder? That's good! As an elder, should you treat me well? How about I make amends?"

Marquis Wu'an's face changed, and the words of cursing were already on his lips.

At this time, He Fanyang said: "The elder thinks that Rao Rao's request is very reasonable, how about you, Marquis Wu'an?"

The last few words, the voice is full of murderous intent, there is a kind of meaning that if you dare not agree, I will hack you to death immediately!
The cold sweat dripped from Marquis Wu'an's forehead, the knife was on his neck, how could he still say no?He has no room for rejection at all, okay?

But the problem is, there is not even a mouse hair in the treasury of the Hou Mansion, what compensation will he give Su Rao?air? !
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  Xiong Xiong is so lonely~~~
(End of this chapter)

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