Chapter 175 Clues
Just when Su Rao was discussing with Yaoyao Ling enthusiastically, the kind of sweat medicine that can successfully stun He Fanyang, suddenly a hand was stretched out in front of her, and there were a few familiar land deeds in the palm.

Su Rao blinked, then raised her eyes to look at He Fanyang with a serious face, her face was full of puzzlement.

He Fanyang said solemnly: "These shops cannot be sold. You have left the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion and have no source of income."

Su Rao sells these shops for cash, which is tantamount to sitting on nothing, and his identity is too conspicuous, it is impossible to stay in the capital of Dongxu Kingdom to protect her, otherwise he will definitely attract the attention of those people.

Su Rao also immediately understood what he meant, his eyes flickered, this He Fanyang was indeed thinking about "Su Rao" wholeheartedly.

"I'm going to leave Dongxu country sooner or later, it's better to sell these shops." Su Rao shrugged.

He Fanyang frowned, and immediately remembered that Su Rao was going to sign up for the Zongmen disciple selection competition today.

"No! You can't participate in the competition!" The voice was firm.

Su Rao became a little displeased, but seeing that the other party didn't have any malicious intentions, she tried her best not to get angry immediately.

Yaoyaoling→_→: Hehe, the real reason is that you can’t beat it!

#Dismantling small experts Yaoyaoling#
"I need a reasonable explanation!" Su Rao asked coldly.

He Fanyang frowned, his thin lips were pursed into a straight line, but he didn't speak.

Su Rao almost laughed angrily at him.

"If I don't give a reason, then I won't change my mind."

The eyes of the two faced each other, the flames splashed everywhere, and neither of them was willing to back down.

After a long time, He Fanyang asked with a troubled face, "Do you have to go?"

Su Rao slightly raised her eyebrows, "That depends on the reason you gave."

She already had a vague guess in her mind.

He Fanyang frowned, with a struggling expression on his face, and after a while, he seemed to have finally made up his mind.

He looked solemn, "I promised your father that I would never say it."

He Fanyang paused, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Your mother was not missing, but was forcibly taken away, but I can't tell you who the other party is."

Hearing this news, Su Rao was not surprised.

Su Rao's brain with a high IQ started to work quickly, and she narrowed her eyes, "Is the other party a member of the five major sects?"

He Fanyang nodded, "I can only tell you so much. In short, you can't participate in the competition!"

Su Rao didn't answer, but said calmly: "If the other party wants to do something to me, it should have been done long ago, and they won't wait until now."

He Fanyang became anxious, "That's because you can't practice!"

Halfway through the speech, the voice stopped abruptly.

Su Rao's eyes lit up, and the seal in her body was indeed related to the man in front of her.

Ever since Su Rao broke through as a spiritual master, she no longer deliberately concealed the things she could cultivate, but only asked Yao Yaoling to adjust her external cultivation level to an eight-star spirit servant.

Marquis Wu An and the others didn't even want to look at her more because they didn't like her, so they didn't notice it for a while.

However, He Fanyang's cultivation is advanced, and he can see through what Su Rao can cultivate at a glance.

Then, here comes the problem.

The original waste material could cultivate overnight, but He Fanyang didn't show any surprise on his face!
There can only be one answer, he has long known that Su Rao is not a real waste material!

 23333 finally wrote about the heroine's life experience, clues will be given little by little

(End of this chapter)

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