Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 176 Hacking all of them to death!

Chapter 176 Hacking all of them to death!

Regardless of whether the seal in his body was made by He Fanyang, he must be an insider.

He Fanyang lowered his eyelids, "The only wish of your parents is that you grow up safely, even as an ordinary person who cannot cultivate. Those people have not let go of their monitoring of you these years, and I dare not act rashly.

It wasn't until these two years that they finally convinced you that you were a real waste material and relaxed their surveillance on you, so I dared to appear in front of you today.

Rao Rao, I will protect you in the future, and I will not let those people from the Marquis of Wu'an's Mansion bully you again.So, just promise me, will you be an ordinary person? "

Su Rao clasped her hands together, with a half-smile: "Unfortunately, your answer doesn't satisfy me."

He Fanyang's eyes were wide open, as if he was silently accusing someone of his deceitful behavior.

"I have a question," Su Rao changed the subject, her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, "Even as an elder of the Ziyun Sect, you dare not face those people head-on, which means that the opponents are very powerful. If so, why didn't they just enter Arresting people in the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion? It's a secret operation."

He Fanyang was stunned, with a dazed expression on his face. Obviously, he didn't know the whole story.

Seeing this, Su Rao analyzed: "Based on the above information, I have reason to suspect that whether those people captured my mother or monitored me, they were all out of some ulterior purpose, so we must not leak the news. Analytical, right?"

He Fanyang nodded blankly.

"Since this is the case, then I should go to participate in the competition!" Su Rao said lightly, "The things that can be cultivated will spread out sooner or later. Instead of being passive, it is better to appear in the field of vision of those people. If I can perform well in the competition and attract the attention of other forces, but the opponents will be wary and dare not attack me."

He Fanyang was so confused by Su Rao's words, his mind was already confused, he wanted to refute Su Rao, but felt that what Su Rao said was very reasonable.

At this time, Su Rao dropped a heavy bomb, "Besides, are you really sure that your visit to Dongxu Country this time didn't attract the other party's attention?"

He Fanyang's expression changed slightly, his lips twitched a few times, but he couldn't say anything for sure.

Seeing that Su Fan was already shaken, Su Rao secretly made a comparison in her heart.

There is no way, the other party's cultivation base is too high, if she is really very tough and does not let her participate in the selection of Zongmen disciples, Su Rao really has nothing to do.

But, live as an ordinary person?

Don't be kidding, that kind of boring life like a pool of stagnant water is simply torture that is worse than death for Su Rao.

Whether it's before or during the end of the world, Su Rao is not a person who is willing to be ordinary.

Of course, what she just said was also from her heart.

She doesn't want to be reduced to a fish on the chopping board, and the opponent is wary of being able to treat her opponent openly, so it will be easy!

She wants Su Rao's name to resound in every corner of Xuantian Continent, as long as she stands taller and her reputation is louder, she will be safer!
Then, when she is strong enough, no matter what monsters those people are!
Hack all of them to death!

I am so mighty and domineering!

[…] Mighty and domineering!It's obviously willful!
Yaoyaoling smiled: Please call me the Emperor of Truth!
Su Rao seized the opportunity and continued to try hard to persuade (fool) He Fanyang, but it didn't take long. He Fanyang was completely defeated and agreed to Su Rao to participate in the Zongmen disciple selection competition.

(End of this chapter)

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