Chapter 177 Awesome, My Uncle!
He Fanyang took out a green jade bracelet.

"This top-grade spiritual weapon has a defensive formation carved by your father himself, which can withstand three full-strength blows from spirit king-level masters for you."

Looking at the jade bracelet, the sadness in He Fanyang's eyes almost overflowed.

This gift should have been handed over to Su Rao by Su Xiao himself, but before he had time...

He Fanyang handed the jade bracelet to Su Rao, and watched her wear it with a reassuring smile on her face.

For some reason, Su Rao felt that the bracelet on her wrist became heavy, her long and curly eyelashes were half down, and her eyes were dim.

This is really a familiar and unfamiliar word.


The next morning.

He Fanyang handed a numbered wooden card to Su Rao's hand, and explained: "After seven days, just take this wooden card and go to the competition."

The corner of Su Rao's mouth twitched, of course she knew what this was!
Everyone who signs up for the competition will get such a wooden sign, but the question is, hasn't she signed up yet? !
So, she expressed her doubts.If you don't ask directly, don't expect the natural fool in front of you to answer.

He Fanyang looked indifferent: "I directly signed up for you, and the emperor of Dongxu Kingdom invited me to be a judge."

"Oh, so that's how it is...Nani?!" Su Rao opened her eyes wide, seriously wondering if she had auditory hallucinations in her ears.

"Uh, Yaoyaoling, am I hallucinating?" Su Rao asked in her mind.

【……not at all. 】

Su Rao looked at the wooden sign in his hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly, "Uncle He, isn't it only people like Marquis Wu'an who know about your coming to Dongxu Kingdom?"

The title "Uncle He" was requested by He Fanyang, and Su Rao thought that calling him "Uncle" would not lose a piece of meat, so she agreed.

He Fanyang: "Oh, last night I went to Dongxu Kingdom's palace to meet the emperor of Dongxu Kingdom, and by the way, I brought back the entry card for you."

Su Rao: "... Uncle He, can you tell me how you got into the palace last night?"

After dinner yesterday, He Fanyang specially guided her to practice again. It was already very late, and the gate of the palace had been closed long ago.

He Fanyang took it for granted and said, "Cross the wall."

Su Rao: "..."


"Uncle He, where did you meet the emperor?"

"The bedroom."

Su Rao: "..." Awesome, my uncle!

Su Rao couldn't imagine that when the emperor of Dongxu Kingdom was half asleep, he was suddenly woken up, and there was a man with an expressionless face standing in front of him, silently stretching out his hand: "The competition card."

The picture is so beautiful, I can't imagine it!


#Then here comes the question, given the above conditions, what is the psychological shadow area of ​​the Emperor Dongxu? #
What was the process like in the middle, Su Rao didn't want to continue asking.

Also, the Emperor Dongxu invited He Fanyang to be a judge?
Uncle, are you sure you didn't put a sword around his neck when he said this?
"Cultivate well." Throwing such a sentence, He Fanyang turned and left, waving his sleeves without taking a cloud.

Only one person, one system is silently messed up in the wind.


Seven days later, the registration for the Zongmen Disciple Selection Competition was declared over, and the first round of knockout competition began.

During these seven days, Su Rao practiced and practiced, and accidentally promoted to a four-star spiritual master.

【…】Come here!Drag this guy out and shoot him for 5 minutes!

Although suppressed by the "Chaos Art", Su Rao's chaotic body is too heaven-defying, and he uses a 100% pure marrow washing liquid to completely cut the bones and wash the marrow to broaden the meridians, so the speed of cultivation and promotion is still very fast It's embarrassing.

 23333333 is becoming more and more fond of the natural Uncle Duhe!
(End of this chapter)

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