Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 178 There is no regret medicine in the world

Chapter 178 There is no regret medicine in the world

However, someone is still not very satisfied.

"Tch, I thought I could advance to a five-star spiritual master."

[…] Host, why don't you go to heaven!

Although he was making complaints in his heart, Yaoyaoling still explained aloud.

[Master Host, the first level of "Chaos Jue" is the slowest to practice, and the speed will be accelerated after starting to practice the second level.By the way, the host currently has zero points! 】

Su Rao: "...We can still be friends without mentioning points!"

It's been such a long time, and the main task has not been released. If it weren't for Yaoyaoling beeping in her mind all day long, she would have almost forgotten that she is a systematic person!

Yaoyaoling smiled: There is a saying MMP, I don’t know if I should say it or not!

One person, one system bickered and walked towards the central square.

At this time, the periphery of the central square was full of people who came to watch the game.

Su Rao managed to squeeze in, straightened her messy clothes, and muttered, "I still hate crowded places!"

Su Rao felt a beam of eyes locked on her body, looked up, and there was He Fanyang sitting in the middle of the jury.

At this time, the crowd of onlookers also noticed He Fanyang, and everyone talked about it.

"Hey, who is that? Why is he sitting in the center? Shouldn't that be where the emperor sits? Is his status more noble than the emperor?"

"Shut up! Keep your voice down! Don't you know? That's His Excellency Elder He from Ziyun Sect!"

"Elder He of the Purple Cloud Sect? Isn't that Su Ming's master? Could it be that the Elder came to Dongxu Country specifically for Su Ming?"

"It seems that Su Ming is highly valued in Ziyun Sect!"


At this time, Su Ming, the protagonist in everyone's mouth, had already arrived near the competition stage. Hearing the envy and jealousy of the crowd, he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, his face turned blue and white.

The people's discussion sounded like slaps in the face after another, slapping him hard in the face!
Marquis Wu An and the others beside him also had ugly faces.

Su Yueshan said fiercely: "It's all that bastard Su Rao! If it wasn't for her, these things wouldn't have happened!"

Marquis Wu'an and Fan Xiafang also felt regretful in their hearts, they should have thought of a way to kill Su Rao in the first place!
Ziyunzong is far away from Dongxu Kingdom, and when He Fanyang received the news and arrived, Su Rao's bones had already rotted away!

They just need to make up a random reason, saying that Su Rao died suddenly of a serious illness. No matter how powerful He Fanyang is, he still doesn't know the truth through investigation!

However, there is no regret medicine in the world.

"Father, mother, brother!" Su Yueshan said suddenly, "Look! Is that person Su Rao?"

The other three looked in the direction of her finger.

"It's that little bastard!" Fan Xiafang gritted her teeth when she saw Su Rao, "What is she doing here?"

At this time, Su Ming suddenly had a bold guess in his mind, "I'm afraid she is here to participate in the competition."

"It's impossible!" Su Yueshan yelled strangely, as if she had seen a ghost.

"She is obviously a waste who can't cultivate!" Su Yueshan shouted.

Her voice was too loud, which immediately caught the attention of He Fanyang in the jury.

He Fanyang turned his gaze to Marquis Wu An and the others in the audience, and suddenly a terrible coercion came over his face.

Su Yueshan was the first to bear the brunt, her face turned pale and her legs trembled slightly.

 Four changes today!
  I recommend it today. When the editor of the free period does not notify to add updates, the update will be [-] to [-].

  Waiting for the editor to favor me again~~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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