Chapter 183 This Is The Man You Chose!
"Brother Prince," Su Yueshan squeezed a tear from the corner of her eyes, "Second Sister may have misunderstood me and my parents, so after meeting Elder He seven days ago, she moved out of Marquis Wu'an Mansion."

When Su Yueshan's IQ was online, she was quite scheming, she diverted Zuo Jue's attention with just a few words, and hinted to him that Elder He was dissatisfied with Su Ming now because Su Rao was on the sidelines to sow discord .

Zuo Jue frowned, thought for a while and said: "Since there is a misunderstanding, then find a way to solve it. No matter what, you are Su Rao's cousin, blood is thicker than water."

Su Yueshan pursed her red lips tightly and did not speak.

Seeing her reluctance, Zuo Jue frowned fiercely.

As the crown prince, he thought more far-reaching than others. If a disciple with no background wants to gain a foothold in the sect, it all depends on the favor of the master.If Su Ming really fell out of favor in front of Elder He, then... he has to consider whether he still wants to marry Su Yueshan.

"Yueshan, you should carefully consider my suggestion, don't lose the big because of small things," Zuo Jue said earnestly, "Let's go, my highness will take you back home."

The two were speechless all the way.

Zuo Jue sent Su Yueshan to Marquis Wu'an Mansion, then took his leave and turned to leave. At this time, Su Ming just came back from outside.

"Brother Su."

Seeing Su Ming startled slightly, Zuo Jue gave Su Ming a slight nod, then lifted his feet and left, never returning to his humble and respectful posture.

The two passed by, looking at Zuo Jue's background, a stern light flashed in Su Ming's eyes.

"elder brother."

Su Yueshan's voice came from her ear, and she carefully looked at her brother's ugly face.

Su Ming turned his head and looked at Su Yueshan, a sarcastic smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"See? This is the man you chose!"

Su Yueshan's face turned pale slightly, she bit her lower lip tightly, tears rolled in her eyes, her face was full of humiliation and embarrassment.

"It's all Su Rao, that little bastard! Without her! It wouldn't be what it is now!" Su Yueshan cursed fiercely.

Su Ming walked up to her and looked down at her with a strange light in his eyes, "Shanshan, do you want to defeat Su Rao?"

Su Yueshan suddenly raised her head, her pretty face was slightly distorted by anger and jealousy, "Of course she wants to! But now she has the support of Elder He, and my cultivation is the highest! I..."

She gritted her teeth, her beautiful eyes were full of unwillingness, "I can't win at all! What's more, I don't know what that bitch did to me!"

Thinking of the terrible pain, Su Yueshan couldn't help trembling slightly.

Su Ming narrowed his eyes, "About this, I suspect that her hands and feet on you cannot kill you. You are very clear about what you have done to her over the years. Based on those things, she has already She should hate you to the core! If she could kill you, she wouldn't delay until now."

Su Yueshan froze for a moment, it was true, the big stone that had been pressing on her heart finally disappeared.

The siblings didn't know that it wasn't that Su Rao couldn't kill Su Yueshan, but that she was bored and wanted to torture her to death slowly.

"But," Su Yueshan bit her lip, "My cultivation is lower than that bitch!"

Su Ming said slowly: "What if I have a way to quickly improve your cultivation?"

Su Yueshan froze for a moment, opened her eyes slightly, and asked excitedly: "Brother! What you said is true? Do you really have a way to let me beat that bitch Su Rao?!"

Su Ming stretched out his hand to gently stroke his sister's hair, and said softly and kindly, "Of course it's true. Shanshan, I once obtained a miraculous pill in a secret realm. Time quickly breaks through the cut.

Su Rao is only one star higher than you, after you take the elixir, you can be directly promoted to a spiritual master, defeating her is as easy as pie. "

"But," Su Yueshan was still clear-headed, hesitatingly said, "Brother, this kind of elixir usually has side effects, right?"

Su Ming's eyes flickered, "The effect of the elixir can only last for two months. After two months, you will feel weak. But don't worry, you just need to take care of yourself for a while, and you will recover soon."

 Stupid Bear: I smell a conspiracy, there must be something wrong with this matter!

  People who eat melons: Nonsense!The plot depends on how well you arrange it!
(End of this chapter)

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