Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 184 Something is wrong with the breath

Chapter 184 Something is wrong with the breath

Su Yueshan's heart was moved immediately after hearing this, but she always felt something was wrong in her heart, but she couldn't tell what it was.

Seeing that her heart was moved, Su Ming immediately took out a jade porcelain bottle from the storage ring and put it in Su Yueshan's hand, his tone was full of temptation: "Shanshan, it's up to you to choose what to do next. There is only one chance."

Su Yueshan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at the jade porcelain vase, suddenly flashed in her mind the vigorous figure of Su Rao on the competition stage.

She clenched her silver teeth and shouted crazily in her heart, all these scenery should belong to her!It belongs to her!
The hesitation in her eyes immediately turned into firmness. Su Yueshan opened the cork, poured out the elixir, and threw it into her mouth without thinking.

After the medicine dissipated, a heat flow spread from the abdomen to all the limbs. Su Yueshan felt that her whole body was full of strength!
Seeing Su Yueshan swallow the elixir, the corners of Su Ming's mouth slowly curled into a strange smile, and the depths of his eyes were full of hatred.

Master, you forced me to do this!
Don't be unkind!


Ten days later, the first round of elimination was finally over.

Followed by the second round, the third round.

As the most dazzling dark horse in this competition - Su Rao, she lived up to expectations.No matter if it was the second round or the third round, they were all instant kills.

Although from the second round of the competition, no one dared to underestimate her, even when the others saw her opponent on the stage, they immediately joined forces to eliminate Su Rao.

Then, Su Rao told them a truth with practical actions.

In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is scum!

After the third round of the competition, Su Rao walked off the competition stage. She did not leave in a hurry, but instead walked to other competition stages to watch the competitions of other contestants.

【Ah? 】

In the mind, suddenly came the voice of Yaoyaoling's doubts.

[Master host, isn't that Su Yueshan on the competition stage to your left? 】

Su Rao looked over according to her words, just in time to see Su Yueshan whipping a young boy of the seven-star spirit servant away with a whip, and defeated the group of people on the stage with ease.

Her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and she felt that there was something wrong with Su Yueshan's breath.

【strangeness!Isn't Su Yueshan's cultivation level the Seven Star Spirit Servant?However, her current cultivation base is clearly a Nine Star Spirit Servant... No!It seems to be a one-star spiritual master!Master Host, what is going on here?Why did her cultivation level fluctuate? 】

In the system space, Yaoyaoling was stunned.

Su Rao threw a blank stare at it, and replied angrily: "How would I know! I said, who is the cheater between the two of us?!"

Spicy chicken system, what use do you need!

Yaoyaoling: I may be a fake hacker...

While one person, one system was talking, Su Yueshan greeted everyone's attention, and slowly walked down from the competition stage, enjoying herself, with an elegant and decent smile on her face.

That's right, she should be the focus of everyone's attention!
The smile on Su Yueshan's face suddenly froze, and her eyes turned to Su Rao who was not far away with an indifferent expression.

At this time, Su Rao walked towards Su Yueshan.

The crowd exploded, everyone held their breath, and their hearts were filled with joy, looking forward to the head-on confrontation between the former sisters and today's enemies!

Seeing Su Rao getting closer, Su Yueshan's face returned to normal, with a provocative smile on her face.

When Su Rao came in front of her, she whispered: "Su Rao, I will definitely—" beat you...

The sound stopped abruptly.

 Yaoyaoling smiles: I may be a fake system...

  Stupid bear with a smiling face: No favorites, no five-star praise, no recommendation tickets, I may be a fake author...


(End of this chapter)

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