Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 189 First Kiss Achievement Achieved!

Chapter 189 First Kiss Achievement Achieved!

"Then I refuse." The girl's voice was indifferent, without any extra emotion.

The man suddenly chuckled, his chest vibrated slightly, and he made a joyful sound.

Su Rao frowned, "I rejected you, what are you laughing at?" Could it be that this guy went crazy because of her rejection?

Di Yan stopped laughing, but there was still a hint of joy in his deep voice, "Her Majesty's answer is really exactly what I imagined."

"Then you still ask!" Su Rao rolled her eyes, is this guy shaking M!
The corners of Di Yan's lips rose, "You can refuse, but I like you, this is my freedom."

"Heh," Su Rao sneered coldly, "I don't want to have a figure, and I want to have no looks. What do you like about me?"

If Di Yan saw her real appearance, Su Rao could still think that this guy had taken a fancy to her beauty, but Di Yan had never seen her.

"I like everything."

"Ha ha."

Su Rao sneered, a cold light flashed in her eyes, she lifted her left foot fiercely towards an indescribable part of the man!
However, the expected man's screams did not resound.

Di Yan reacted very quickly, as if he had expected her to do this early in the morning, he let go of the hand that imprisoned her, and stepped back abruptly, dodging Su Rao's sneak attack.

Su Rao gave a cold "tss", and whipped the red spirit whip in her hand again.

The room was pitch black, Su Rao could only rely on voice and intuition to judge the general direction of the man.

There was a sound of ping-pong-pong in the room. It was the sound of tables, chairs and porcelain being smashed.

In the yard, Shadow heard the movement coming from the room, his face flushed and his expression was tangled.

Your Highness, Miss Su is not ready yet!You should take it easy!


"Dear Your Majesty, haven't you calmed down yet?"

In the darkness, a man's deep and pleasant voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Su Rao's phoenix eyes froze, her figure turned around, a silver light flashed between her fingers, and she thrust towards the back suddenly.


A broad hand firmly pinched her slender wrist, with a little force, the palm of the hand felt tingling, and the silver needle between the fingers immediately fell to the ground.

Di Yan sighed, with a helpless and indulgent tone: "Your Majesty, I should leave..."

Before the words finished, Su Rao swiped his legs and lifted it obliquely.

Di Yan was about to dodge, when the wound on his waist that hadn't fully healed was pulled, and the sharp pain hit him, which made the body's reaction speed slow down by a beat.

So, Su Rao's sweeping leg hit the target, and Di Yan tilted his body and fell backwards.

Even Su Rao, who was caught by him, also rushed towards him and fell to the ground.


In the darkness, the two groaned, then widened their eyes, the soft touch on their lips was so clear.

【Ding dong! 】

Just when Su Rao's mind went blank, a sound of a mechanical tablet suddenly sounded in his mind.

[Congratulations to the host, the side mission of the strategy route is automatically activated!First Kiss Achievement Achieved!Reward one hundred points!The specific rules of this side mission have now been sent to the personal system, please check the host as soon as possible! 】

Automatic activation?First kiss achievement?

You Yaoyaoling, get the hell out of me!
In the system space, Yao Yaoling looked confused: What's going on?Why are there side missions that even it doesn't know about? !

Su Rao suddenly stood up from the ground, wiping her mouth while furious in her head: "Yao Yaoling, do you still want to have another package of ball shooting and circular motion!"

 2333 It’s been a long time since I’ve written about side missions, have you almost forgotten?
(End of this chapter)

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