Chapter 190 I will be responsible

Yaoyaoling's face collapsed, wanting to cry without tears, 【Master Host!I swear!This time I really don't know! 】

While talking, Yaoyaoling quickly opened the side mission introduction interface of the strategy route, and then, he was stunned...

Before, it clearly saw that the side mission above was to capture Liu Qi, and its favorability reached 100 points.

But now...

Looking at the task rules that were freshly released above, and obviously from the master's handwriting, Yao Yaoling fell silent...

#Excuse me, is it still too late to self-destruct? #
"Damn! Soulless Yaoling, don't pretend to be dead!" Su Rao was even more annoyed when there was no response from the Yaoyaoling in his mind.

While Su Rao was talking with the Yaoyao Ling, Di Yan stood up and gently stroked his lips with his slender fingers, which seemed to still have the soft touch of a girl's red lips.

If you light the candles in the room at this time, you will find that a tall, handsome man is smiling like a fool from the village chief's family.

"Emperor, Yan!"

Su Rao quickly transferred her anger to the other party involved, word by word popping out from between her teeth, full of murderous intent.

Hearing the voice, Di Yan came back to his senses, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily raised a happy arc.

"I'll take charge."

"MD! Who wants you to be responsible!"

It's okay if you don't say it, but once you say it, Su Rao completely explodes!
That was the first kiss she had kept for two lifetimes, and it disappeared in such a muddled way!

Well, she admits that the man in front of her is first-class in terms of appearance and figure!And she also earned a hundred points, thinking about it this way, it seems that she is not losing money... MD!No wonder!

She hates anything out of her control!
Including, this kiss!

And, the man in front of me!

Su Rao pulled out with a whip, using all her strength in this whip, without reservation.

Di Yan sideways dodges, the whip wind cuts the corner of his clothes.

The man raised his eyebrows. It seemed that his lovely Queen was really angry this time. It would be better to retreat first.

The future is long, isn't it...

"Goodbye, my dear Majesty the Queen." The man chuckled lightly with a pleasant voice.

"Damn! Get out of my way!"

Su Rao fiercely waved the whip in her hand, however, the man's aura in the room had disappeared.

"damn it!"

Su Rao kicked on the bench beside her, her phoenix eyes shot with murderous intent.

She must kill this man!


Outside the courtyard, Di Yan's figure suddenly appeared.

"Your Highness!"

Shadow knelt down in front of the man.

Di Yan glanced at him indifferently, and said, "Have you been discovered?" There was no sense of surprise in his voice.

Shadow lowered his head in shame, "Yes, Your Highness please punish me!"

"It's okay, it's just as expected."

Hearing this, the corners of Shadow's mouth twitched.

So, did His Highness have no expectations of him from the beginning?

Little Shadow said: My heart is so stuffy!
"You have done a good job during this time, continue to stay with the princess."

"Yes, Your Highness!" After a pause, Shadow hesitated and said, "But, Your Highness, Elder He of the Ziyun Sect is always around the concubine, and my subordinates dare not get too close to Miss Su, because there is a danger of being exposed."

Di Yan narrowed his eyes, "This king knows, if the princess is in danger, it doesn't matter if she is exposed."


Under the heavy night, the man's deep eyes were dark and inexplicable.

Ziyunzong, He Fanyang, Su Xiao...

Dear Her Majesty, how many secrets do you still have?
 Yaoyaoling (╥╯^╰╥): My lord!Don't take you to such a pit system!
  The grown-up: Don't make noise!I'm seeing the key! After more than 100 chapters, Overbearing Gong finally confessed to Tsundere!Aww!Fuck the sheets! ! ! !
  Yaoyaoling: ...

  10 minutes later
  The grown-up: What did you just say?

  Yaoyaoling: ... Act like I didn't say anything!

  23333 The fourth update is over, good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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