Chapter 191 Permanent Task

In the system space, the little light group. Yaoyaoling looked at the master host who was slowly approaching with a grin on his face, shivering. gif.

[Master Host!Please listen to the little explanation first! 】

Su Rao stopped half a step away from it, folded her arms around her chest, and said with a sneer, "Speak! If you don't satisfy me, the understand!"

[Master Host!I can swear on my life!I really don't know about this side mission! 】

Seeing Yaoyaoling's swearing appearance, Su Rao narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, and couldn't tell whether she believed it or not on her expressionless face.

After a while, she said slowly, "Okay, I will trust you for now."

Yaoyaoling breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then now, cancel this damn side mission for me immediately!" Su Rao ordered in a cold voice.

Yao Yaoling hesitated for a few seconds, 【Su, Master Host, are you sure? 】

Su Rao raised her eyebrows coldly, "Is there any question?"

Yao Yaoling was so frightened that his small body trembled, and hesitantly said, [My lord host, if you choose to give up the side quests when you have already activated the side quests, then the refresh of the side quests will be delayed for half a year. 】

"What did you say?!"

Su Rao strode over, grabbed Yaoyaoling in her hand, gritted her teeth and said, "Yaoyaoling, tell me again!"

Yaoyaoling trembled like a sieve, repeating what he just said with a trembling voice.

After finishing the words, Su Rao took out something very familiar to Yaoyaoling - a rope.

[Yiyada!Lord host!This is stipulated by the system headquarters!It's none of this baby's business!Ahhhhh-!Ya butterfly!Ya butterfly! ! ! 】


After half an hour.

Yaoyaoling (((φ(◎ロ◎;)φ))) Who am I?Where am I?Where do I come from?Where are you going?

After a while, when Yaoyaoling had recovered, Su Rao said coldly: "Open the side mission interface! I want to see if the rules of a strategy mission can give me a flower!"

However, when Su Rao saw the above rules clearly, she realized that she really overestimated the bottom line of the guy who made the rules for this side mission!
Raiders Route. Side Quest Introduction: This quest is a permanent quest, and the tasker can get corresponding points if they have intimate actions with the Raiders.

Kiss on the cheek, [-] points; Kiss, [-] points; French kiss, [-] points;

Still, deathly still--

Su Rao was expressionless, and turned to look at the shivering Yaoyao Ling beside her.

"Yaoyaoling, let me ask you, how many points do you need to redeem the remaining "Chaos Art"?"

Yaoyaoling calculated quickly, and two seconds later, a long series of zeros was reported.

Su Rao fell into silence again, clenching her teeth.

On one side is the precarious morality, on the other side is the sky-high price points.

Do you want integrity, or do you want points?you still need to ask?

nonsense!Of course you need points!
Facing the huge temptation, Su Rao resolutely abandoned Mr. Jiecao.

"Yaoyaoling, accept this side mission!"

Yaoyaoling Σ(дlll) seems to have heard some kind of auditory hallucination!
An hour ago, a certain master host said with certainty that he would never accept the strategy mission!

As a result, how long has it been?
Host, I just want to ask, does your face hurt?
Also, what about your integrity? !
Su Rao said: Morality, what is that?Throw something that you can throw!

 The raider is Di Yan!hero! !no one else! ! !Don't get me wrong! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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