Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 199 Sao Nian, You Successfully Angered Me

Chapter 199 Sao Nian, You Successfully Angered Me

Su Rao curled her lips coldly, "You have good vision."

The spiritual sword in her hand was a gift from He Fanyang, and it was a low-grade spiritual weapon.

"Su Rao, you are very good!" Pang Xiangyu quickly returned to normal after a brief moment of astonishment, his eyes were slightly cold, "It is indeed not a problem to enter the top ten with your strength, but it is a pity that the person you met today is me."

"Hehe." Su Rao sneered, her red lips parted slightly, "Blind self-confidence."

Pang Xiangyu narrowed his eyes, a dark light flashed across his eyes, and his aura suddenly rose, "Su Rao, I advise you, 'There are people beyond people, and there is sky beyond the sky'. Don't be too arrogant!"

After the conversation between the two, Pang Xiangyu's spirit sword turned into a complex move to attack Su Rao. The attack speed was extremely fast and the moves were fierce.

There was no panic on Su Rao's face, she dodged this dazzling attack lightly, and her steps were methodical.

The sword is strong, and the silver light splashes.

"Your Majesty, this Su Rao is indeed Su Xiao's daughter! It can be said that she is a tiger father without a dog!" On the judging table, an old general with a white beard couldn't help but praise.

"Hmph," just as the words finished, a middle-aged man said in a strange manner, "I just hope that I don't die young like her short-lived father!"

"Fan Guogong, you made a slip of the tongue." The Emperor Dongxu looked at the middle-aged man coldly, with a hint of warning in his eyes.

He Fanyang just left temporarily, if this sentence is passed into his ears by someone with a heart, I am afraid that everyone present will not be able to please him!

Others also thought of this, and looked at Fan Guogong with disapproving eyes.

Fan Guogong's face was slightly ugly, so he simply closed his mouth and kept silent.

Prince Zuo Jue looked at the slender and agile figure on the competition stage, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

On the competition stage, Pang Xiangyu missed several consecutive attacks, his face became more and more ugly, and a cold light appeared in his eyes.

Suddenly, he flipped his left hand, and a long sword suddenly appeared.

The long sword turned into a flash of silver light, and slashed at Su Rao!

[Master Host! 】Yao Yaoling couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Seeing this, the emperor of Dongxu Kingdom stood up abruptly, his eyes horrified.He couldn't imagine that if something happened to Su Rao, He Fanyang would destroy the entire Dongxu Kingdom in a fit of anger!

In the blink of an eye, Su Rao suddenly lowered her body, avoiding it narrowly.

After the long sword slashed through, Su Rao put his hands on the ground and jumped up into the air, falling two meters away, pulling away from Pang Xiangyu.

"Damn it! It's actually a two-handed sword!" Su Rao couldn't help complaining after standing still.

Fortunately, she has practiced a little physical skills, otherwise, unless she hid in the system space or exposed her true strength, she really wouldn't be 100% sure to avoid the blow just now.

[Master Host, the other sword is also poisoned!Be careful! 】

Hearing this, Su Rao's face turned slightly cold, and a gloomy look appeared in her phoenix eyes.

If the tiger doesn't show its power, do you really think she is a sick cat?
Su Rao looked at Pang Xiangyu on the opposite side with cold eyes, and a cold smile bloomed on her lips, "Sao Nian, you have successfully angered me!"

An ominous premonition suddenly rose in Pang Xiangyu's heart, and he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

At this moment, Su Rao slowly raised her foot and walked towards him, and the next second, her figure instantly disappeared from everyone's field of vision.

Pang Xiangyu was horrified, a terrible sense of crisis suddenly struck!

 The stupid author suddenly discovered a previous bug today. Su Yueshan knew that her life was in the queen's hands, so why would she do it against her?

  Proper bug, I was crying stupidly because of my anxious IQ, I have let myself go too much recently

  Chapter 189 has made some changes, I don’t look at it and it doesn’t affect the back, I just forcibly rounded the bug back
  By the way, no one found out?

(End of this chapter)

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