Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 200 Silently light the wax for him

Chapter 200 Silently light the wax for him

Having experienced countless battles, he possesses a sense of crisis that far surpasses others, so he hardly has time to think, so he raises his sword reflexively to block!
The blade collided violently in the air, and Pang Xiangyu felt the tiger's mouth split open, and a stream of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Pang Xiangyu's eyes were astonished, with a trace of disbelief, Su Rao severely injured him with just one move!
how is this possible?She is obviously the same as himself, a Nine Star Spirit Servant!
However, he didn't have time to think clearly, the next moment, Su Rao disappeared from his eyes again!
Pang Xiangyu's eyes widened, his vigilance raised to the highest level.

However, this doesn't work at all.

In the next second, Su Rao's figure suddenly appeared behind him, holding a few silver needles with cold light between his fingers.

Whoosh whoosh!
Before Pang Xiangyu could react, a sudden sharp pain came from his body, and he couldn't help crying out in pain: "Ah——!"

"Su Rao! What did you do to me?!" Pang Xiangyu's eyes were red, like poisoned blades.

Su Rao stood one step away from him, with a bright smile on his lips, "What's your name! I just pricked a painful point on your body with a silver needle, tsk, you're a man anyway, I can't stand the pain!" Said, throwing him a contemptuous look.

Pang Xiangyu was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. Is this a little pain? !It is obviously more painful than cutting flesh from one's own body alive!
In the system space, Yao Yaoling silently lit wax for him, and the silver needle was smeared with the host's special medicine, which can magnify a person's pain perception dozens of times!
"I am going to kill you!"

Under the terrible pain, Pang Xiangyu lost his mind, roared, and rushed towards Su Rao's tiger, the long sword in his hand pierced Su Rao's throat!

Seeing this situation, everyone gasped involuntarily, and more people found it unbelievable, is this Pang Xiangyu crazy!He actually wanted to kill in full view!
They don't know that when a person's pain perception is magnified dozens of times, the pain is enough to drive anyone crazy!

A gleam of success flashed in Su Rao's phoenix eyes, she was waiting for this moment!
"Stop!" The emperor of Dongxu Kingdom turned pale with shock and roared angrily.

A trace of panic flashed in Zuo Jue's eyes beside him, he clearly told him not to kill Su Rao on the competition stage!
The sword was smeared with a colorless, odorless, chronic poison. You only need to cut a little bit of her flesh with the sword, and the poison will invade her body, and the poisoned person will die suddenly after more than ten days!At that time, no one will doubt him at all!Now all plans are disrupted!damn it!
Su Rao stood on the spot, neither dodging nor dodging, seeing the tip of the sword getting closer and closer to her, but there was no panic on her face.

"one two Three!"

A snap of fingers!

Pang Xiangyu spat out a mouthful of blood, and the tip of the sword stayed an inch away from Su Rao's throat, unable to move any further.

"You, poison!"

Pang Xiangyu felt a terrible pain in his dantian, and at the same time, the spiritual power stored in his dantian began to leak out like a deflated ball!

Su Rao smiled very unhappy, "The rules of the game are only that you can't hurt your life, but it doesn't say that you can't be disabled!"

"You are so ruthless!" Pang Xiangyu had endless hatred in his eyes, "Su Rao, I will never let you go!"

For a cultivator, he would rather die than live as a useless person!

"Don't let me go?" Su Rao covered her mouth and chuckled, with a malicious gleam in her eyes, "I'm afraid you will never have a chance in this lifetime."

(End of this chapter)

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