Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 201 is simply more exciting than the chapter itself

Chapter 201 It's even more exciting than the script
"Hurry up and send someone to the imperial doctor!"

At this time, the crown prince Zuo Jue on the judging table was the first to react, and looked at Su Rao sharply, "Miss Su, don't you think you are too harsh?"

Su Rao sneered in her heart, what is this called?The wicked first to sue?Beat it down?
She clasped her hands together, "So what? His Royal Highness is planning to disqualify me from the competition?"

Prince Zuo Jue's expression turned a little ugly after being robbed by her. After taking a deep breath, he put on a dignified attitude, "For a cruel person like you, as the prince of Dongxu Kingdom, my Highness will of course allow you to continue participating in the competition." Competition, threatening the safety of others!"

What Su Yueshan said is right, if you can't win over, you can only destroy it!Even if Su Rao cannot be killed today, she must not be allowed to grow any longer. Now that He Fanyang is not here, it is a good opportunity!

"Shut up!" The Emperor of Dongxu Kingdom slammed the table heavily, looking at Zuo Jue with cold eyes, "Su Rao did not violate the rules of the competition, Prince, who gave you the qualification to disqualify her!"

Zuo Jue was humiliated by the emperor of Dongxu Kingdom in public, and his face became even more ugly, "But, father, she blatantly abolished her opponent in the competition! If she doesn't give a certain punishment, wouldn't it make others follow suit!"

He rolled his eyes, and added: "The people participating in the competition are all talents worth cultivating in Dongxu Country, and my son is also thinking of Dongxu Country!"

The emperor of Dongxu Kingdom squinted his eyes, looked at his son with deep eyes, and smiled angrily: "You are so considerate of Dongxu Kingdom! Prince, why didn't I find you so eloquent in the past!"

Zuo Jue's complexion changed, but he didn't speak, and still had that dignified look.

At this time, Su Rao on the martial arts stage sneered coldly, "His Royal Highness is indeed fair and just! Everyone present could see clearly that it was Pang Xiangyu who wanted to put me to death first, but now he said that I wanted to kill me even more. Like a heinous villain."

Everyone watching the game immediately remembered the scene of the previous close call.

Zuo Jue's eyes darkened, and suddenly thought of something, he looked at Su Rao sharply, "You must have done something wrong? Otherwise, why would Pang Xiangyu suddenly go crazy and want to kill you?!"

Pang Xiangyu also called out at the right time: "Please the emperor make the decision for me!"

The two sang together, and everyone felt that it made sense, so they cast suspicious eyes on Su Rao.

Su Rao smiled coldly, but did not answer.

At this moment, two guards came up with a stretcher, intending to carry the seriously injured Pang Xiangyu down for treatment.

"Stop! Did I say he can go?" The cold voice suddenly sounded.

The two guards were stunned for a moment. Seeing Su Rao's face was icy cold, their necks shrank in fright, and they didn't dare to continue moving.

"Su Rao!" Su Yueshan from the audience suddenly jumped out, pointed at Su Rao and said angrily, "You poisoned him first, and now you prevent the imperial doctor from treating him, how can you be so vicious!"

Su Yueshan was so upright that she almost wrote the words "Partner of Justice" on her face!
However, Su Rao didn't even want to give her alms out of the corner of her eye, and almost made Su Yueshan angry.

Su Rao looked directly at the emperor of Dongxu Kingdom who was sitting on the judging table: "Your Majesty, I want to report that Pang Xiangyu put poison on his sword in an attempt to murder me!"

When the voice fell to the ground, there was an uproar on and off the stage.

Everyone was stunned. After a good game, why are there so many twists and turns!

It's even more exciting than the storybook!

At this moment, no one paid any attention to the matches on the other arenas, and everyone's attention was on Su Rao's side.

(End of this chapter)

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