Chapter 202

"Your Majesty, I have been wronged!" Pang Xiangyu, who had been silent all this time, yelled, his voice was shrill, "Su Rao! I have no grievances with you! Why did you frame me?!"

Su Rao gave him a cold look, "I should ask you this question! I have no grievances with you, why do you want to kill me! Could it be that someone is instigating you?"

Pang Xiangyu's expression changed, "You! You are too deceitful!"

The emperor of Dongxu Kingdom said in a deep voice: "Enough! Whether it's true or not, I can decide for myself! Su Rao, you keep saying that Pang Xiangyu wanted to murder you, but do you have evidence?"

Su Rao's expression was calm, and she pointed to the two swords that Pang Xiangyu had dropped on the ground, "Your Majesty only needs to find the imperial doctor to test the blades of these two swords, and everything will come to light!"

The emperor of Dongxu Kingdom nodded, and said to the guards below: "Don't take him away, just go and find the imperial doctor!"

The guard hurriedly cupped his fists to accept the order: "Yes!"

Seeing this situation, Zuo Jue's face changed slightly, and he secretly winked at the confidant behind him, and the confidant understood, and slipped away quietly while everyone was not paying attention.

Zuo Jue thought he was doing it without anyone noticing, but he didn't know that the actions of him and his confidants were clearly seen by the demon, and they reported the truth to Su Rao.

[Master host, it seems that Zuo Jue is undoubtedly the one who instigated Pang Xiangyu behind the scenes! 】

Su Rao twitched her lips, and said slowly in her mind: "Some people always like to die, and they can't be stopped."

[Master host, what should we do next?Zuo Jue must still have a backup! 】

"Don't you think I have no backup?" Su Rao asked coldly.

No one noticed that Su Rao lightly flicked two fingers, and a white powder bomb landed on the blades of the two swords that Pang Xiangyu dropped on the ground, silently fused with the poison on them.

Not long after, a shrewd-looking middle-aged man with a sharp mouth and sharp cheeks hurried over in an official uniform, carrying a medicine box.

"My humble minister joins the emperor." He knelt down on the ground.

The moment he saw the visitor, Pang Xiangyu's heart suddenly fell to the ground, and he was slightly relieved.

The emperor of Dongxu Kingdom looked at the person coming, frowned, and from the corner of his eyes, his eyes flashed past Zuo Jue.

"Get up, Doctor Li." The voice was low and majestic, "You must already know what happened just now."

Doctor Li lowered his head, with a flattering smile on his face, "Yes, Your Majesty."

The emperor of Dongxu Kingdom narrowed his eyes slightly, and said meaningfully: "Mr. Li, I believe that your medical skills will not disappoint me, right?"

Doctor Li trembled, glanced at Prince Zuo Jue, and quickly retracted.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Doctor Li walked up to the martial arts arena, and from the corner of his eyes, he glanced over Su Rao unintentionally, and his eyes flickered.

Li Taiyi carefully wiped the blade with his index finger, put it under his nose and smelled it, and after a while, he saluted the emperor of Dongxu Kingdom and said: "Returning to the emperor, I didn't find any trace of poison on the blade. "

There was an uproar all around again.

The emperor of Dongxu Kingdom's face was slightly gloomy, and Zuo Jue beside him had an imperceptible smugness in his eyes.

"Su Rao! What else do you have to say now!" Pang Xiangyu yelled, looking like a villain.

Su Rao's eyes sank, and she said, "Doctor Li just sniffed it under his nose. Is it too arbitrary to draw a conclusion so quickly? I have heard that some poisons in this world are colorless and tasteless. Maybe this sword So is the poison on the blade!"

 The fourth update is over, good night everyone, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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