Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 206 "Wonderful" is not enough to describe it!

Chapter 206 "Wonderful" is not enough to describe it!
Zuo Jue's eyes were filled with murderous intent, a trash who did more than fail!
The emperor of the Dongxu Kingdom glanced at Pang Xiangyu, and said slowly: "Naturally, it is dealt with according to the law. It is intended to murder other people's lives, and to collude with officials to frame other people's innocence. Come here! Procrastinate and be executed!"

A word from the emperor of Dongxu Kingdom ruthlessly pronounced Pang Xiangyu's final outcome.

The order was issued, and soon there were guards walking up to the competition stage, setting up Pang Xiangyu from left to right, trying to drag him down.

"Do not--!"

Pang Xiangyu struggled and suddenly shouted loudly: "His Royal Highness, save me!"

Zuo Jue's complexion changed drastically, he stood up abruptly, and shouted sharply: "He is still obsessed with his obsession! His Highness doesn't want to hear your sophistry! Immediately gag him and drag him down!"

Pang Xiangyu's eyes widened in disbelief, "His Royal Highness, it is clearly your order... Mmm! Mmm!"

Before he finished speaking, Pang Xiangyu, who was gagged, was dragged down by the guards.

However, everyone present could hear clearly what he hadn't finished speaking.

Everyone cast suspicious eyes on Zuo Jue, but seeing his status as the prince, no one dared to question him directly.

Zuo Jue was angry and angry, his face turned white and blue, so colorful.

"Hey! Referee! Should you announce the result of the match now?" Su Rao smiled and looked at the referee who had been forgotten by everyone in the corner.

"I announce that the contestant to advance to this competition is Su Rao!"

As the referee's voice fell, everyone woke up like a dream.

The word "wonderful" is not enough to describe what happened today!
All kinds of plot reversals, God's turning point!
First, Pang Xiangyu committed the murder in public, and then he vomited blood inexplicably, and was crippled!

Then the crown prince wanted to disqualify Su Rao from the competition, but Su Rao accused Pang Xiangyu of poisoning her to kill her!

Then, the imperial doctor said that there was no poison on the blade, and he died after testing the poison. Su Rao suddenly changed from the perpetrator to the victim!
This big reversal time and time again has made everyone dizzy, and there is a kind of rush that is not enough IQ!

Under countless different gazes, Su Rao, who was the person involved, walked down the competition stage slowly like a normal person, and then... went home.

Crowd: ...


When she reached a corner where no one was around, Su Rao suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Turning back, he said coldly: "Aren't you tired after following for so long? Come out! His Royal Highness Fifth Prince."

Zuo Yao came out with a signature uninhibited smile on his face, "Little beauty is really sharp enough!"

Su Rao frowned, and cut to the chase: "Just tell me if you have anything to do!" Don't waste her time, she has to go back and wait for the prince's people to bring the one hundred thousand gold coins!
After several dealings, Zuo Yao somewhat understood the temper of the girl in front of him, so he didn't talk nonsense.

"You must have guessed it. The person who ordered Pang Xiangyu to attack you is Zuo Jue! Su Rao, how about cooperating with me?"

Su Rao narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, "Are you going to deal with Zuo Jue together?"


Zuo Yao nodded, "From the moment Su Yueshan was canonized as the crown princess, the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion has been firmly tied to Zuo Jue. For the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion, you are their biggest obstacle.

It's okay if you forgive them, but obviously you don't have such thoughts.Even if you don't want to be their enemy, they won't let you go.Su Rao, join hands with me to deal with Zuo Jue! "

 The fourth update is over, good night everyone, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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