Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 207 The hypocritical face makes her want to vomit!

Chapter 207 The hypocritical face makes her want to vomit!

Su Rao blinked her eyes and smiled, "Not good!"

The confident smile on Zuo Yao's face froze slightly, "Su Rao, it is impossible for Elder He to stay in Dongxu Country to protect you all the time, and the sect is not allowed to meddle in worldly affairs at will, that's why Zuo Jue dared to attack you .

Su Rao, with your current strength, it is completely impossible to fight against Zuo Jue and Wu'an Hou Fu alone at the same time, joining forces with me is your best choice! "

Su Rao folded her arms around her chest, and there was a hint of sarcasm in her smile, "Zuo Yao, do you know? In fact, you and Zuo Jue are the same kind of people!"

Zuo Yao's complexion changed slightly, a little ugly, deep disgust appeared in his eyes, and his aura suddenly became fierce. It was the first time he saw Su Rao let go of his cynical prodigal face.

"Miss Su, please don't compare me with him!"

Su Rao narrowed her phoenix eyes, "But in my opinion, you are the same kind of people!"

Hearing this, Zuo Yao's face became even more ugly.

At this time, I heard Su Rao continue to add: "The same hypocrisy! Just think that Zuo Jue said on the surface that he likes Su Yueshan and wants to marry her. But all onlookers know that Zuo Jue just wants to get Su Ming, a big backer. .

And you are the same, you obviously want to use me, specifically my relationship with Uncle He, but you just want to say it as if you are thinking of me.

I don't think that your motives are wrong. Mutual use is called cooperation, isn't it?Unfortunately, however, what I hate the most are hypocritical people! "

The hypocritical face made her want to vomit!

Just like Gao Hao, who betrayed her back then, kept saying that they were close friends who shared life and death, but after the successful research and development of the zombie virus serum, he immediately betrayed her mercilessly!
If Zuo Yao had stated his purpose frankly from the beginning, Su Rao might have agreed, but unfortunately, he chose a dead end.

Su Rao can accept a real villain, but a hypocrite will never be able to!

Zuo Yao's face was slightly pale. He has been used to living with a mask for so many years, and he has long forgotten that the most important thing to cooperate with others is sincerity.

Su Rao's cold and mocking eyes seemed to see through him inside and out, and all the filth hidden deep in him was pulled out of the skin and exposed to the sun.

"I'm sorry." A trace of self-mockery flashed across Zuo Yao's face, and he looked at Su Rao with serious eyes, "Can you give me another chance?"

"No." Su Rao refused again without thinking.

Not every sorry can be exchanged for nothing.

For some things, there is only one chance, and if you miss it, you will miss it forever.

"I understand," Zuo Yao paled, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, "Excuse me, I'm leaving first."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and strode away, the smile on the corner of his mouth getting more bitter.


After Su Rao returned to the residence, not long after, the people from the Prince's Mansion delivered all the [-] gold coins as agreed.

After everyone left, Su Rao put the gold coins into the storage ring.

Rubbing the ring worn on the index finger of her right hand, the storage ring Diyan gave her is a top-quality spiritual weapon, the space inside is the size of two football fields, more than enough to hold [-] gold coins.

"The prince's interest has been collected, whose turn is it next?" Su Rao raised her lips and smiled evilly.

In the system space, Yao Yaoling silently lit the wax.


At night, the moonlight is as cool as water.

In a room in a courtyard somewhere in the capital, a middle-aged man wearing a thin white undershirt was tied to a chair with a thick hemp rope.

This person is the referee in charge of drawing lots today.

(End of this chapter)

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