Chapter 208

"Miss Su, are you crazy?" The referee widened his eyes and looked at the girl in front of him in disbelief.

Su Rao had a nasty and evil smile on her face, "Want to call for help? It's okay, just call! If someone hears and rushes over, I will lose!"

The whole house was covered by a shadow formation, and Su Rao burned the house down without anyone noticing.

The referee shouted for help: "Come on! Help—!"

However, he yelled for a long time, but it was very quiet outside, not even a ghost came.

The referee's face changed suddenly, "What did you do to my servant?"

Su Rao shrugged her shoulders, "I didn't do anything, I just drugged them. Um... they probably won't wake up until tomorrow morning, and during this period, no matter what happens, they won't wake up. "

No matter what happens?
The referee's face turned pale in an instant, "Miss Su, what do you want to do? I don't know you before, do you have any problems?"

"There is no festival? Are you sure?" Su Rao looked at him with a smile, and tossed the medicine bottle in her hand.

The referee remembered the scene of Li Taiyi's death on the martial arts stage today, secretly swallowed, and a layer of white sweat broke out on his back.

"Miss Su, I have seniors and juniors, so please let me go!"

Hearing this, Su Rao smiled, very happily.

"Do you know? I like people who are as stubborn as you are the most, because if this is the case, I will have a reason to torture you!"

The referee's face was as pale as a dead person, and an ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.



The shrill screams broke through the sky and pierced the silent night.

The little shadow who was watching the wind outside shivered suddenly when he heard the screams.

Tonight's night wind is a bit biting.


In the room, Su Rao took a deep breath, and a happy smile bloomed on the corner of her mouth, "It's been a long time since I tortured people, I really miss this feeling."

In the system space, Yaoyaoling trembled. gif.

Woooooo~~ The outside world is so scary, I want to go back to the headquarters...

Su Rao looked at the referee and smiled: "Have you thought about it? Do you want to explain it obediently? Of course, if you still don't want to, I don't mind trying another medicine."

She didn't mind at all that he continued to be stubborn, there were so many newly developed poisons that no one was trying!
The referee's facial features became distorted due to extreme pain, but strangely, no scars could be seen on his body.

He raised his head and looked at Su Rao with the eyes of a monster: " are a devil!"

Su Rao smiled indifferently, "What nonsense! If I were really a devil, you would be a corpse by now."

The referee looked grim, he would rather die!I don't want to continue to endure this terrible pain!

Su Rao shook the antidote in her hand, "I forgot to mention one thing, the poison I gave you has a time limit. Once the time has passed, the antidote won't work.

Next, the flesh and blood on your body will rot little by little, and maggots will crawl all over your body, and then you will feel those little cuties nibbling on your flesh little by little..."

"Stop talking!" The referee finally broke down, "I'll say! I'll say everything! Please, give me the antidote! I really can't take it anymore!"

Su Rao curled her lips, tsk!So fragile!

 Suddenly remembered, it's been so long since time travel, my queen doesn't seem to have started killing yet!

  Queen: Lao Tzu's big knife is already hungry and thirsty!

(End of this chapter)

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