Chapter 211 It is simply too appetizing!
Su Rao took a deep breath and quickly put aside this weird feeling.

"Uncle He, I remember you mentioned before that everyone who enters the sect must swear a demon oath. Did Su Ming also take this demon oath when he entered the Ziyun sect?"

"Of course," He Fanyang said calmly, "100 years ago, due to internal strife, there was a first-class sect that split and its strength was greatly reduced, and it became a third-class sect.

The five major sects took this as a precept, ordering each of the disciples under the sect to take an oath of heart demon, not to kill each other, not to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors, and not to harm the interests of the sect.

After other sects saw it, they also followed suit. Now almost every sect will make them take the heart demon oath after recruiting disciples. "

Su Rao hooked the corners of her lips, "Then what will happen if you break the demon oath?"

"Naturally, it is the breeding of inner demons. Once they are verified and confirmed, they will be abolished and expelled from the sect!"

After a pause, He Fanyang asked suspiciously: "Rao Rao, why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

Su Rao licked her dry red lips, raised her lips and smiled, "Uncle He, when are you coming back? There is a good show and I need your help!"


The next day, early in the morning.

After Su Rao washed up and had breakfast, she walked slowly towards the central square.

When she arrived, it was still early, and the central square, which could hold ten thousand people, was already full of people.

Su Rao was a little surprised. At this time, someone in the crowd shouted loudly: "Su Rao is here!"

The crowd suddenly exploded.

What happened yesterday has spread throughout the streets and alleys of the capital. Although Su Rao's arrogant and surly behavior makes many people dislike it, at the same time, more people like her character.

vicious!Arrogant!It's not worth your life to be mad!

Damn it!It's just too appetizing!
"Su Rao! Come on! I support you!"

"Su Rao, you are the best!"

"Su Rao, you must win! My wealth and life are on you!"


Hearing these voices, Su Rao just raised her eyebrows, her expression as calm as ever.

At this moment, Su Yueshan also rushed to the central square, seeing Su Rao surrounded by everyone, she gritted her teeth with hatred.

Su Rao felt an unfriendly stare staring at her, turned her head, and happened to catch the jealousy overflowing from Su Yueshan's eyes.

Su Yueshan strode up to Su Rao's side, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Su Rao, don't be defeated by others! You are destined to be defeated by me!"

Su Rao glanced at her, "Too confident, be careful of being slapped in the face, cousin."

Su Yueshan's face darkened, and she snorted coldly, "This sentence should be for yourself!"

After all, she held her chin high and walked away arrogantly.

Su Yueshan didn't pay much attention to Su Rao at all because of her cultivation level. She is now a [-]-star spiritual master, and Su Rao is only a [-]-star spiritual servant. She can easily defeat Su Rao with just a few moves of her fingers!
Looking at Su Yueshan's domineering back, Su Rao curled her lips, her smile was slightly cold.


After yesterday's fifth round of competition, there are only 25 contestants left, and 25 is an odd number. Therefore, in one-on-one competition, one person will have a bye in each round.

The draw begins.

When it was Su Rao's turn to draw lots, Su Rao stepped onto the stage and glanced at the referee.

His eyes were slightly cold, and the referee trembled unconsciously.

Su Rao snorted coldly, reached into the lottery box, picked up a half-folded note and handed it to the referee.

 call for the queen~~
(End of this chapter)

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