Chapter 212 Tremble, stupid mortals!

"Miss Su, you are number three."

Su Rao nodded and walked off the stage without saying a word.

Soon, it was Su Yueshan's turn to draw lots.

The referee's eyes flickered, "Miss Su, you are number three."

Su Yueshan was taken aback for a moment, and then she was pleasantly surprised, because she heard very clearly just now, that bitch Su Rao is also number three!
After stepping off the stage, Su Yueshan turned her head to look at Su Rao, her beautiful eyes flickered with viciousness undisguisedly.

Su Rao, you are dead!
Su Rao looked at her for a second, lowered her eyes, and suppressed the sarcasm in her phoenix eyes.

The draw is over and the sixth round officially begins.

After the competition between No. [-] and No. [-], it was Su Rao and Su Yueshan's turn.

Su Yueshan couldn't wait to jump onto the competition stage, with a light figure, a white dress fluttering in the wind, and a good-looking appearance, which won the favor of many male audiences in the audience.

On the other hand, Su Rao walked from the steps to the competition stage step by step.

One word to describe, ordinary!
Some people in the audience who didn't like Su Rao immediately booed.

"Cut~~ A nine-star spirit servant is facing a two-star spirit master, what suspense can there be!"

"Su Rao! I advise you to admit defeat directly! Don't be ashamed there!"

"Miss Su, teach your sister well! Let her know how to be a good person and not be so arrogant!"


At the same time, the people on Su Rao's side started to turn back.

"Shut up, you! If you have the ability, go for it!"

"Who said that Su Rao will definitely lose?! Don't forget, Su Rao won the last five-person melee!"

"That's right! That's right! I think maybe this time, Su Rao will be promoted on the spot again! Break through directly to the Healer!"


On the competition stage, the corners of Su Rao's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Some viewers are telling the truth!This time, she really intends to "advance in public" again!
On the surface, Su Yueshan has the cultivation level of a two-star spiritual master, but after all, she obtained her strength by cheating by taking drugs. In addition, her cultivation base is vain, so it is not bad for her to be able to display the peak combat power of a one-star spiritual master.

Su Rao only needs to "advance" to a one-star spiritual master, and defeating her is a matter of minutes!
"Sister, swords have no eyes in the game, if my sister accidentally hurts you, don't blame my sister!" Su Yueshan raised her chin lightly and said with a proud face.

Su Rao smiled: "I will return this sentence to you intact!"

"I don't know what to do!" Su Yueshan's eyes darkened, and then she sneered, "I have broken through to a two-star spiritual master, and you are only a nine-star spiritual servant, Su Rao, if you don't want to lose too badly, you'd better admit defeat obediently Kneel down and kowtow three times to me, and then tell Elder He that what happened in the past is all your fault!"

Su Rao's smile is not a smile, could it be that this guy is taking drugs to recharge his IQ?Tsk tsk, if that's the case, she might consider getting one, after all, a high IQ is also a trouble!
#shudder, stupid mortals! #
[…] A host who occasionally convulses!

"Stop talking nonsense! Don't beep here, fight quickly! I'm still in a hurry to go back to lunch!" Su Rao flipped her hand, holding the spirit sword.

"You asked for it!" Su Yueshan's face sank, and a silver whip appeared in her hand, and she swung her hand, and the tail of the whip immediately whistled in the air.

Su Rao raised her eyebrows in surprise, it turned out to be a low-grade spiritual weapon, and there was indeed a hidden family background in the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion!

Itchy hands~~

"Su Rao, accept the move!"

 A style of writing that can never be serious~~ Hey, you may not believe it, but the stupid bear is really a serious bear! ! !
  Please look at the big innocent eyes of the stupid bear (o°ω°o)
(End of this chapter)

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