Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 213 It's time to kill her spirit!

Chapter 213 It's time to kill her spirit!

When the words fell to the ground, Su Yueshan raised her silver whip, and the whip shadow was as fast as lightning, straight for Su Rao's face!

Su Rao's figure moved, and immediately disappeared from the spot!
There was an uproar downstairs!
Yesterday, Su Rao easily defeated Pang Xiangyu by relying on this trick, but he didn't expect to see him again today!
Su Ming, who was watching the match from the audience, clenched his fists, his knuckles turned white and creaked!
His eyes are full of bitter hatred, it must be He Fanyang who taught Su Rao!Such a powerful footwork, he has never revealed half a point in front of himself!
A bloodthirsty scarlet flashed across his eyes.

On the competition stage, Su Yueshan had been vigilant for a long time, and immediately activated the defensive magic weapon on her body the moment Su Rao disappeared.

Almost at the same time, Su Rao quietly appeared behind Su Yueshan like a ghost, pointing her sword at her vest!

The tip of the sword was ejected by an invisible force.

At the same time, Su Yueshan seized the opportunity, tapped her toes, jumped up, the silver whip in her hand turned into a silver python, and rushed towards Su Rao aggressively!
Su Rao reacted quickly, raised her sword and slashed!
The silver whip was blocked by the spirit sword and landed on the ground half a meter away from Su Rao. The tail of the whip swept across the bluestone ground, sparks splashed, leaving a striking scratch!

"Su Rao, do you think the same method will work with another person?" Su Yueshan landed opposite Su Rao, with a mocking smile on her face.

Su Rao raised her eyebrows lightly and shrugged her shoulders indifferently.

With that move just now, she just wanted to test it out. If she really defeated Su Yueshan that easily, then she would be bored to death!
Su Rao's indifferent expression fell on Su Yueshan's eyes, but it became a provocation to her.

There was a vicious light in Su Yueshan's eyes, and she poured most of her spiritual power into the silver whip, "Su Rao, go to hell!"

Her hand trembled, and the silver whip whizzed towards Su Rao again with a fierce wind!

In this attack, Su Yueshan almost used all her strength, and the silver whip locked on Su Rao firmly with the momentum of a broken bamboo!
Su Rao's figure flashed, and she quickly avoided it!

Su Yueshan sneered, "Su Rao, how many times do I have to tell you that the same trick won't work at all!"

Suddenly, Su Yueshan turned the silver whip and swung it viciously towards a spot on the competition stage!
The silver whip fell into the air and hit the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Su Rao's somewhat embarrassed figure appeared, and she walked to the side in a "panic".

"It's over, it's over! Su Rao is sure to lose this time!" Seeing this situation, the people in the audience couldn't help sighing.

"Hey~~ My hundred gold coins!"

"Nine-star spirit servants are against two-star spirit masters. It's not surprising that they lose."

"Hmph! If you want me to say, Su Rao deserves it! Whoever made her so arrogant before, should kill her vigor!"


Everyone thinks that Su Rao is doomed, because no matter what the situation on the stage is now, Su Yueshan is unilaterally beating Su Rao, and Su Rao is completely powerless to fight back!

Seeing Su Rao dodging her own attack in a "worry", Su Yueshan had a triumphant and vicious smile on her face.

Su Rao, you are indeed destined to be trampled under by this lady!
"Sister, I don't want to hurt you! As long as you are willing to obediently admit defeat now, what my sister said just now still counts, how about it?" Su Yueshan raised her voice, showing the image of a good sister who thinks about her sister.

Su Rao dodged the attack in a "worry" again, looked up at her coldly, and replied two words: "Evil, heart!"

 All kinds of complaints from everyone, all kinds of five-star praise go!Stupid bear has been frozen in the deserted comment area to doubt his life!

(End of this chapter)

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