Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 215 Surprised or not?Is it surprising?Is it irritating?

Chapter 215 Surprised or not?Is it surprising?Is it irritating?

Su Yueshan almost went crazy with boos from the audience!
Her eyes were red, and she desperately attacked Su Rao who was "promoting".

glory!Praise!flowers!These should all belong to me!mine!

Su Rao!I must kill you today! ! !

"Ah!" Su Yueshan suddenly raised her head to the sky and yelled, her aura suddenly soared!

Everyone stopped cheering and questioning, and their eyes widened.

"Damn it! Isn't it! Su Yueshan has also advanced?!"

"Is there anything wrong with my eyes? Is it contagious after being promoted these days?"

"Fuck me! Do you want to live!"


On the martial arts arena, Su Rao also felt the continuous fluctuation of spiritual power coming from the opposite side, and was slightly startled.

Unlike her, who is a fake promotion, Su Yueshan is the real deal!

Su Rao's face was a little dignified. For a three-star spiritual master, it's a bit unrealistic to rely on the power of a one-star spiritual master to win!

"Hey, actually I've always been very low-key, but now it seems that even God wants me to be high-key!" Su Rao sighed softly in her mind.

In the system space, Yao Yaoling suddenly had a bad premonition.


"Yaoyueling, adjust my cultivation level to a [-]-star spiritual master!"

Suddenly, everyone felt that the aura in the central square was rushing towards the competition stage at a crazy speed!

On the judging table, the white-bearded old general shook his beard-stripping hand in shock, and forcibly pulled out a few beards, but he stared blankly at the competition stage as if he couldn't feel the pain.

"Lian...continuously advanced!" General Whitebeard's voice trembled slightly.


"Impossible! It's absolutely impossible!" Su Yueshan's eyes were full of shock, and the proud smile on her face froze because of her promotion.

She raised the silver whip fiercely, and slammed it towards Su Rao, a gloomy look appeared in her eyes.

There was only one thought in her mind.

This bitch must not be allowed to advance to the next level!
Su Rao stood on the spot without dodging, looking at the silver whip that was being drawn towards her with a smile on the corner of her mouth, when the tail of the whip was only twenty centimeters away, she suddenly raised her hand and grabbed the silver whip!

Promotion, success!
Su Rao looked at Su Yueshan with a smile on her face, and said in a cheerful voice, "Hey! Sister! Are you surprised? Are you surprised? Are you irritated?"

The huge central square fell into a dead silence.

Everyone was stunned.

Consecutive promotion?

What is it called?See you soon!
Su Yueshan's mind went blank, but she quickly realized that she was already a three-star spiritualist, and she was still one star higher than Su Rao's cultivation level!
"Su Rao! Don't think you... ah!"

Before she could finish her proud words, Su Rao's figure flashed, and she came to Su Yueshan in an instant. When she hadn't recovered from her senses, she raised her foot and kicked hard!

Like a kite with a broken thread, Su Yueshan flew straight out and hit the ground!

"Ah! Su Rao! You actually sneaked up on me! You despicable villain!" Su Yueshan curled up into a ball, clutching her painful belly, raised her head and roared at Su Rao.

With disheveled hair, her expression was distorted, and she looked terrifying.

Those people in the audience who were originally confused by her appearance felt extremely disgusted.

"Damn! Why did I suddenly feel that Su Rao looks much more pleasing to the eye than Su Yueshan!"

"Brother, you are not alone!"

"Su Yueshan can't afford to lose too much! Haven't you heard of 'Soldiers never tire of cheating'?"

"That's right! When she did it just now, she didn't leave any room for it!"


 2333 Queen said: This pretense was very successful!Sprinkle flowers!

(End of this chapter)

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