Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 216 The villains all died of Zhang Duo!

Chapter 216 The villains all died of talking too much!
Su Rao raised her lips and smiled: "Su Yueshan, has no one told you? The villains all died of talking too much!"

After all, Su Rao's figure flashed again!
This time, Su Yueshan was on guard, she rolled on the spot regardless of her image, dodging Su Rao's attack.

Su Yueshan's face was full of disbelief.

How is this possible?Obviously that bitch Su Rao is one star lower than her!Why is the speed getting so fast?

Now she can't catch Su Rao's movements at all!

What Su Yueshan didn't know was that it was completely the result of Su Rao's release of water, and she performed it for others to see.

After dodging the attack, Su Yueshan stood up, completely embarrassed.

She stared at Su Rao viciously: "Su Rao! Damn you!"

At this time, the voices of the people in the audience continued to be heard.

"Su Yueshan is doomed", "Cut! She has a higher level of cultivation, but now she only has to be beaten", "Su Rao, come on! We all support you"...

Finally, the string called reason in Su Yueshan's brain broke with a "snap", and she fell into madness completely.

"Ah! Su Rao! I want to kill you! I must kill you!"

Suddenly, Su Yueshan frantically absorbed the aura around her, and the aura on her body soared again!
The audience suddenly exploded.

"What's going on here? Could it be that Su Yueshan is also going to be promoted consecutively?"

"My god! Will you give other cultivators a way out!"

"I am only a four-star spiritual master at the age of 30, and I feel that I have lived 30 years in vain!"


"Hahahaha! Su Rao! You're going to die today!" Su Yueshan laughed maniacally, and a fine line at the corner of her eyes slowly appeared.

[Master host, have you noticed? 】Yao Yaoling's serious voice came from his mind.

"Well," Su Rao stood still, her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, "The sequelae of the elixir she took has begun to appear."

Looking at Su Yueshan, who was already insane, Su Rao curled her lips coldly, and did not do anything to stop her from advancing.

This move confused everyone in the audience.

Someone yelled to remind her.

"Su Rao! Hurry up!"

"Su Yueshan is about to succeed in the promotion! Don't stand still!"

"Su Rao, don't think about sisterhood! There are no sisters in the game!"


The corner of Su Rao's mouth twitched. Which eye did these people see that she and Su Yueshan had sisterhood.

Looking up, Su Rao's eyes fell on Su Yueshan's temples, which had gradually turned white, and a malicious smile flashed across her phoenix eyes.

Going forward at this speed, she shouldn't need to make a move, someone is going to kill herself!
At this moment, Su Yueshan has successfully advanced again!

She raised her silver whip and pointed at Su Rao, her face was full of viciousness, "Su Rao! You can't beat me!"

Su Rao looked at Su Yueshan, who had gray temples and a late face, but didn't know it, and shook her head, with a sarcasm smile on her lips: "Su Yueshan, you still don't believe me if you say you're stupid!"

Others also noticed Su Yueshan's strangeness.

"Oh my god! Su Yueshan's face...why..."

"Su Yueshan didn't practice some evil skills, did she?"


On the judging table, the Emperor Dongxu's face was as gloomy as water. He looked at Zuo Jue beside him and asked sharply, "Prince! Su Yueshan is your fiancée. Do you know what's going on?"

Zuo Jue didn't answer, and looked at Su Yueshan on the competition stage with a dull expression, his mind was muddled.

The old woman on the competition stage is Su Yueshan?

(End of this chapter)

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