Chapter 250

The faces of the people in Dongyue Kingdom suddenly changed, and the girl in red gritted her teeth angrily, "A mere two-star spiritual master dares to act presumptuously in front of this lady! You want to die!"

After all, she concentrated her luck and spiritual power on her right palm, and said coldly: "Accept!"

The girl in red was enraged by Su Rao, so she used [-]% of her strength to beat Su Rao into a serious injury!
Shi Lei and the others were shocked, unable to stop them in time, they could only watch helplessly as their palms were slapped towards Su Rao. Among the contestants in Dongxu Country, the less courageous girls couldn't help but close their eyes, unable to bear to see the next tragic situation.

Su Rao stood there without moving, neither dodging nor dodging, and there was no sign of panic on her face. If someone observed carefully at this moment, she would still find a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

When the girl in red was still a few inches away from her palm, Su Rao moved!

A plain white and slender hand raised up and greeted her.

The two palms collided, and the strong wind generated waved towards the surroundings, raising a cloud of dust.

The girl in red took a few steps back before she managed to stabilize her figure.

Her face was full of disbelief, she actually lost!

Everyone was stunned. No one expected that Su Rao, a two-star spiritual master, would have the upper hand against Ou Mengting, a five-star spiritual master, despite the difference in three-star cultivation!
Su Rao smiled and said, "Now, do you understand what is meant by 'There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky'." She returned the words of the girl in red back intact.

Hearing this, the faces of the people in Dongyue Kingdom were extremely ugly.

Wanted to slap someone in the face, but was slapped in the face instead!
As for the people on the side of Dongxu country, seeing the ugly face on the side of Dongyue country, their hearts were really elated, and the bad breath of being ridiculed and ridiculed before disappeared all of a sudden.

In addition, the other contestants who were originally displeased with Su Rao's aloof personality changed their views on Su Rao in an instant!

The fight between Su Rao and the girl in red also attracted the attention of other people nearby, and they surrounded her.Many of them had already recognized the symbols of Dongxu Kingdom and Dongyue Kingdom, they pointed and whispered.

Huafu Youth and others heard people around talking about Dongyue country's players losing to Dongxu country, and their faces became even uglier.

"That slap just now doesn't count! Miss Ben underestimated the enemy! Do it again!" Ou Mengting gritted her teeth, her face full of unwillingness.

Su Rao smiled coldly, noncommittal, anyway, the result was the same several times, since the other party wanted to be slapped in the face a few more times, of course she didn't mind.

"Stop!" A voice as cold as ice suddenly sounded behind him.

Ou Mengting's body froze, and the contestants from the Dongyue Kingdom hurriedly retreated to the sides, leaving a passage.

At the end of the passage, a handsome young man in a white brocade dress came forward, with a tall figure and a jade-like handsome face, which was extremely indifferent.

"Captain." The contestants from Dongyue Kingdom said respectfully.

"Qianhan, why did you get off the carriage?" The young man in Chinese clothes was slightly startled when he saw the visitor, his arrogance was gone from his face just now, and there was a warm smile on the corner of his mouth. There is also a hint of flattery.

Ling Qianhan didn't even look at the young man in fine clothes, he went straight to Su Rao, and looked at her with icy eyes.

[Host, he is very strong!It's not at the same level as the woman in red just now! 】

"I know." Su Rao squinted her phoenix eyes, a seven-star spiritual master with a cultivation level one star higher than hers.Moreover, there was a piercing icy aura emanating from the opponent's body, it should be that he had practiced some kind of powerful ice technique.

 yes!You read that right!This chapter has been revised!Please call the stupid bear to change the text to the madman! 2333
  Cuties: Do you want to rebel? !Don't want tickets?
  Stupid Bear: Think about it!I'm wrong! ! !Immediately kneel down to the glass slag!
  【small theater】

  Contestant from East Vietnam: This is unscientific!How could a two-star spiritual master beat a five-star spiritual master?author!You must have cheated on Su Rao!protest!protest!protest!
  Stupid bear picking his nose: What's the matter with just hanging up!If you don't accept it, hit me!I can't do a hero and heroine, so I'm afraid of you cannon fodder?
  Contestant from East Vietnam: Damn it! !
  After the fourth update, please ask for five-star praise and recommendation tickets! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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