Chapter 251 Happy Cooperation
"You are very good." Ling Qianhan said slowly, his cold and indifferent voice poured out from his thin lips, and the temperature around him seemed to drop a few degrees in an instant.

"I also know that I'm good!" Su Rao pursed her lips and accepted the other party's "compliment" unceremoniously.


"He's the captain of Dongxu Country?" Ling Qianhan suddenly glanced at Shi Lei beside him, before Shi Lei could speak, he looked at Su Rao again, and said firmly, "You are stronger than him."

Shi Lei's face changed slightly.

"Our captain didn't even make a move, so why do you think he's weak? Don't you guys like to talk big?" Su Rao asked coldly, quietly shifting the focus of the question.

Ling Qianhan didn't get angry at all, and looked at Su Rao calmly, "I'm looking forward to meeting you on the field."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and returned to Dongyue Kingdom. When he passed by the young man in Chinese clothes, he said calmly, "It's getting late, hurry up and enter the city."

Hearing Ling Qianhan's slightly commanding words, the face of the young man in Chinese clothes changed. He glanced at Dongxu Country, and a glint of coldness flashed in his eyes, "You guys are lucky today, see you on the field! Let's go!"

The young man in Huafu led the other contestants back to the carriage, and soon, the carriage of Dongyue Kingdom drove forward and entered the capital of Yanxia King.

After the people from Dongyue Kingdom left, Zuo Yao breathed a sigh of relief. The overall strength of the contestants from Dongyue Country was much stronger than theirs from Dongxu Country. If they continued to "compete", they would be the ones who would suffer in the end.

"Okay, everyone is resting now, let's go back to the carriage." Zuo Yao said.

No objections were raised.

After what happened just now, everyone's emotions are no longer as high as before. The strong strength shown by the contestants of Dongyue Kingdom is like a basin of cold water poured on them, making them understand that their current strength is not enough to see at all. !

In addition, Su Rao's powerful strength just displayed also aroused the competitive mentality of this group of teenagers and girls.They were not in the mood to experience the customs of the Yanxia Kingdom any more, so they all returned to the carriage and began to practice.

"Thank you." Before returning to the carriage, Shi Lei came to Su Rao and said in a low voice, he knew that he would not be able to receive Ou Mengting's slap, if not for Su Rao's rescue, he would definitely lose face in front of everyone today.

"Thank you, we are a team, aren't we?" Unexpectedly, Su Rao raised her eyebrows and said this.

Yaoyaoling was secretly relieved and surprised, did my host finally have a sense of teamwork?
However, in the next second, Su Rao continued: "At least, before the team competition ends."

In the individual competition after the team competition, everyone will be competitors, and the team will naturally cease to exist. At that time, she will not care whether the opponent is from the same country or not, and will not show mercy!
Shi Lei was stunned, then seemed to understand something, nodded and said: "You are right. Su Rao, I hope we can cooperate happily in the team competition!"

This time, he is no longer speaking as a captain, but as an equal collaborator.

Su Rao hooked her lips: "It's a pleasant cooperation."

She hates being ordered by others, so if she wants to fight side by side with her, it can only be an equal cooperation, not a subordinate relationship between the team members and the captain.

Shi Lei is a smart person, he immediately understood what she meant.

She likes dealing with such smart people!
 The content of the previous chapter has been revised
  Ask for collection, ask for tickets, ask for five-star praise, all kinds of requests~~
  PS: I forgot to write in the last chapter, thank you Qianshang Mojin for the name provided by the cute little one, what? (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

(End of this chapter)

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