Chapter 100 Bet
Beside Leng Yue, there is a charming young woman with curving eyebrows like the bright moon in the sky, but between the words, one can only feel a gloomy and cold breath.

"Yo, your class nine has lost more than ten rounds in a row, don't you still admit defeat?" While smiling charmingly, the woman sarcastically asked Leng Yue.

Leng Yue's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, "Why is this so, after making a bet, naturally I will accompany you to the end, what do you think?"

The woman snorted coldly, "Yang Tian, ​​continue."

Obviously, the Yang Tian the woman mentioned was the young man on the stage, and the young man stood there quietly without saying a word, waiting for the next challenger.

Leng Yue's face also became a little stiff, she and that woman were good friends.But the two split up because the woman took away her love and Leng Yue's man. Originally, Leng Yue had resentment towards her, but this time the woman came to provoke trouble again, and she was even more furious.

The woman seemed to think of something suddenly, "By the way, don't forget our bet, if you lose, admit that you gave him up voluntarily."

Seeing the woman's playful and triumphant expression, Leng Yue smiled sweetly, "That's natural."

"You go up." This sentence was said to Zhang Xiao, and the others naturally didn't know, so they all looked at each other, looking for someone who wanted to go on stage.

After a while, a figure jumped onto the fighting spirit stage. Seeing someone on the stage, the students below all sighed. It was the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, the top beast spirit. Does anyone in class nine dare to go up?
Yang Tian on the stage didn't think so. Seeing someone challenge him, he also shook his head to make himself more sober.

He could feel that the person in front of him was no worse than the previous one. In fact, he had heard that some people in Class Nine were very strong. It was because of this that he felt very disappointed.The strength of the dozen or so challengers today was different from what he had expected. It was so poor that almost none of them could withstand a single move.

Looking at the young man in front of him, Yang Tian said in a deep voice, "What's your name, please?"

Zhang Xiao smiled lightly, cupped his hands, and said, "I'm next to Zhang Xiao."

Hearing these two words, Yang Tian's pupils shrank suddenly, it was him, the challenging third grade senior!
Seeing Yangtian's expression like a bolt from the blue, Zhang Xiao burst into a smile, "Hey, you don't have to be like this, it seems like I'm going to eat you."

Slowly withdrawing his mind, Yang Tian was not afraid, but just found it incredible. Ever since he heard the news, he has been thinking about seeing Zhang Xiao all the time.The third grade senior he challenged was the strongest in the third grade!The soul power is as high as level 41!
Yang Tian asked himself, his talent is extraordinary, and his current soul power is only level 33, and in the third grade, he is at the same level as that senior.

However, people at the same level as him actually defeated him!This makes him unacceptable, this is simply nonsense.

But in front of him, that person was standing in front of him alive, looking at Zhang Xiao's calm face, Yang Tian thought briefly, "Wait a minute, I'll meditate for an hour." After speaking, Yang Tian immediately crossed his legs Sit down and meditate to restore your soul power.

He knew that if it was true, he would not be sure if his soul power was only [-]% or [-]%, so he should recover his soul power.

The young woman was slightly taken aback, what's the matter with this kid, his soul power is still strong enough, why did he just meditate?
Thinking of what Leng Yue said just now, the woman felt a little uneasy. Could it be that this child is very powerful?

Somewhat worried, the young woman let go of her mental strength and felt it carefully, but she didn't find anything wrong. The child's aura is very ordinary. What is that kid Yang Tian doing, trying to make me look ugly?
If a woman could predict things, she would definitely not think so. Ordinary people can often erupt with appalling power.

An hour passed quickly, and even the dusk in the sky had gradually turned a bit dark. On the huge soul fighting arena, a bright light was lit up, and the bright light dispelled the darkness.

On the field, two slender shadows elongated on the fighting spirit stage.

On the Douluo Continent, low-level soul guide lamps are extremely cheap, and they are also the most common soul guide devices.

Of course, the extremely unusual soul guides of the space storage device are not counted, and the soul guides of this kind of life are quite common.But even this low-level soul guide lamp cost Shrek Academy a lot of money to purchase.

After all, soul guide technology is underdeveloped, even low-level soul guide lamps are expensive in the market.

Even a soul master academy like Shrek Academy, which is as rich as a country, is nothing more than dozens of super-large soul guide lamps.

Opening his eyes, a chilling atmosphere began to spread invisible. Yang Tian knew that even if this person happened to win against the senior, his strength was quite extraordinary.

After making a gesture of invitation, two bunches of blue silver grass sprang out from Zhang Xiao's hand. Each bunch was more than two inches wide. Compared with Zhang Xiao's figure, the wide leaf body was very inharmonious. .

The moment he saw the blue silver grass, Yang Tian felt that his eyes were blurred, and he couldn't help closing his eyes suddenly. Is that blue silver grass?

When he opened his eyes again, Yang Tian was so shocked that he couldn't speak. Lanyincao has two soul rings?
But what surprised him naturally couldn't be the number of spirit rings, what made him feel a little breathless was the color of those two spirit rings, it was too scary!

Not only him, but all the students watching the battle below stared wide-eyed. I have seen a few Lanyincao who can cultivate, but the additional spirit ring of Lanyincao does not have a century-old spirit ring?
What's even more frightening is that there is no ten-year soul ring.

In the position of the first soul ring, there is a purple, thousand-year soul ring!
"What!?" The young woman looked at Leng Yue, "There are still such students in your class? Why do you let him play now?"

"It's intentional to embarrass me, isn't it? What's so great about a thousand-year soul ring? It's just a great soul master. Even if the quality is high, it's impossible to win!" Although she said so, the young woman obviously didn't believe her words. , the confidence is obviously insufficient.

it is good!Yang Tian's fighting spirit was also aroused, "Let me see how strong you are."

The eyes suddenly brightened, and the blue silver grass surged suddenly, rolling towards the sky like a swimming snake. There was a little black luster on the black leaves, and under the light of the soul guide light, it looked like a bloodthirsty bat. , hiding in the dark.

A high-pitched dragon chant exploded, Yang Tian's first soul ring shone brightly, and the Thunder Dragon Claw was released again, grabbing towards the sweeping blue silver grass!

The dragon claws have the power of thunder and lightning, as long as they can catch the blue silver grass, Yang Tian is confident that Zhang Xiao will lose his fighting power.

It's a pity, he didn't know that the attack type soul masters were most taboo against the control type soul masters.

When the Blue Silver Grass was caught by the Thunder Dragon Claw, it still extended, wrapped the Dragon Claw inside, and rolled onto Yang Tian's body with lightning speed.

Like a flash of lightning flashed across Yangtian's mind, a mouthful of dirty blood spewed out from Yangtian's mouth, the super-strong corrosive toxin and nerve paralyzing toxin had already begun to take effect.

This is because Yang Tian is a soul master with the top-level beast spirit, and his physique is strong. If an ordinary soul master is just stained with the nerve paralyzing toxin, it is enough to make him lose his combat effectiveness.


The sound of thunder and lightning kept coming out, and Yang Tian tried to use the blue silver grass as a medium to guide the power of thunder and lightning to Zhang Xiao.

Breathing out lightly, Zhang Xiao let go of the blue silver grass's control.

The first soul ring was shining, and a huge spider web spewed out, directly covering Yang Tian inside.

The purple light overflowed, and Yangtian's facial muscles began to become distorted, "I, I admit defeat." Before he finished speaking, Yangtian passed out.

Zhang Xiao frowned, what's going on, the toxin bound by the spider web seemed to become more violent.

(End of this chapter)

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