Chapter 101 Blackening
The night is silent, but the atmosphere at this time seems to be immersed in a deep abyss, cold and deep.

Under the soft light of the soul guide lamp, it seemed that a thin silver needle would make a crisp sound when dropped.

Leng Yue's eyes were dull, just because the color of the blue silver grass gradually turned black, but it was not ordinary black.Dirty black, like a mark, fiercely imprinted on Lanyincao's name.

The students didn't know, but the two teachers didn't know. From that moment on, the Blue Silver Grass had become an evil spirit.

Quickly coming to Yangtian's side, the young woman's face became stiff, the spider web was crazily absorbing Yangtian's vitality!What evil is this!

Turning her hand over, a white light shot out from her hand, but the spider web did not melt as imagined, but tightened even more.

The next moment, a sharp gaze fell on Zhang Xiao, "Evil Soul Master!"

A layer of deep fear appeared on the faces of the students below, and then they all stared at Zhang Xiao, what kind of existence is an evil soul master?
Powerful, crazy, killing, evil!

If the Man-faced Demon Spider is an evil killer among soul beasts of the same rank, then an evil soul master is a crazy hunter among soul masters of the same rank!
With a bad premonition in her heart, Leng Yue quickly came to Zhang Xiao's side, "Blackening! What have you been doing these days?"

The night wind was like a gust of ice water pouring from head to foot, Zhang Xiao also felt that the energy of his martial soul had become very unstable, so he ran to Yang Tian and squatted down, reaching out his hand to touch the spider web.

The young woman snorted coldly, "Okay, Leng Yue, I didn't expect you to accept evil soul masters! It seems that you really don't take the rules of the academy seriously!"

These words are out of instinctive rejection of evil soul masters, like natural enemies. The existence of evil soul masters is a thorn in the flesh for soul masters.

The outstretched hand stopped, and he knew that if he couldn't prove that he was not an evil soul master, it might be difficult to walk out of the gate of Shrek Academy alive.

Pausing for a moment, his right hand touched the threads of the spider web, and a piercing pain came from his hand. Zhang Xiao's two rows of teeth were clenched tightly, and he could already feel the strangeness without looking.

In the original soul power, there is also a special corrosive venom that can absorb the life force of others.

Zhang Xiao did not make such a judgment because of his familiarity with spider web venom. The most important ability of the Tang Sect is concealed weapons, but that is a compulsory homework for inner disciples. For an outer disciple like him, using The most frequent one is poisonous.

There are all kinds of poisons, with completely different ingredients and effects, and even different doses will exert completely different effects, but this does not refer to the degree of violence of the poison.

And the tingling of his fingertips completely confirmed Zhang Xiao's thoughts, his toxins cannot affect him, but the blackness of his fingertips reminded him all the time that the blue silver grass is no longer pure.
He knew that he was not an evil soul master, but no matter how he looked at it, the facts proved that he was. No matter what he thought, Shrek Academy would definitely not keep him.

In other words, he would not be allowed to live.

"What else do you have to say?" The woman's curved eyebrows have begun to deform, and every word is filled with a threatening chill.

Zhang Xiao couldn't blame her, he knew that he had nothing to say, looking at Yang Tian who had passed out, and at the cobweb restraints he couldn't get back, he suddenly felt that Night Breeze wasn't so cold anymore, His heart seemed to be colder than Night Breeze, and the chill quietly spread in his chest.

Slowly raising his left hand, clusters of blackened blue silver grass swarmed out of his palm, the dirty black seemed to have pulled him into an endless dark hell.

A little sad, but he couldn't speak, his voice was choked in his throat, dragging his thoughts into the darkness abruptly.

"What are you still doing, go and call the director!" The woman shouted to the stunned students in the audience.

Several students who reacted turned and ran towards the teaching building, their figures gradually disappearing into the darkness.

Leng Yue's face was full of anger, "Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking, you just want to use this crime to get the academy to expel me."

A strange smile appeared on the corner of the woman's mouth, and she thought to herself, "Don't change the subject, just wait and see."

Mo Binglin gritted his teeth, greeted Chen Ling and the others, and said in a low voice, "Let's run with him. If the academy determines that he is an evil soul master, he will die."

Several people just nodded their heads, and their determined eyes already explained their decision.

Although Chen Ling hesitated for a moment, he then made up his mind to run away for the sake of his brother.

When everyone raised their heads, they saw a few familiar black shadows. Under the dim light, they could vaguely distinguish Ouyang Zili and the others.

Mo Binglin couldn't wait any longer, and said in a low voice: "Take Zhang Xiao, let's go, and explain later!"

Ouyang Zili didn't even think about it, the wings of the phoenix spread out, and with gorgeous flames, she flew to Zhang Xiao's side, no matter how dazed he was, she grabbed it and flew out.

The young woman's cultivation was also at the level of a soul king, and she immediately reflected that this was the rhythm of running. With a flash of her figure, she was about to catch Ouyang Zili, and a trace of anger flashed in Leng Yue's beautiful eyes.

Falling down a few steps, the woman stared at Leng Yue, and said coldly: "Don't be complacent, you don't want to erase the evidence if he runs away, there are so many students watching, I will make you look good later!"

Although she knew it was difficult to explain, Leng Yue also looked away, "Bitch is hypocritical."

Leng Yue recognized the man who snatched her away, which meant that the man did not belong to her, but this woman picked on her everywhere, which made her very annoyed.

Why can't Leng Yue see that she doesn't care about Yang Tian at all, because although the venom is poisonous, it is not enough to kill the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, not to mention that Zhang Xiao's cultivation is far lower than Yang Tian's, all of this is that The woman set up a set, and intentionally manipulated her.

In this way, Leng Yue didn't bother to talk nonsense to her, "Come and hit me if you have the guts, I will accompany you to the end!"

The woman was furious, "Don't think I'm afraid of you! When the director of the meeting comes, we'll see how you explain it!" Even though she said this, the woman's voice was very small, and she obviously didn't dare to speak loudly for fear of offending Leng Yue.

When they were still studying, Leng Yue had a title - Cold Face Killer!
Leng Yue was beautiful when she was young, and she is also beautiful now, but under this beautiful face, there is a decisive heart hidden.

The woman's cultivation has just broken through to the soul king, while Leng Yue, who is only 26 years old, is already a soul sage.

With a cold snort, the woman thought to herself, "So what if you are a soul sage? When the director of the society comes, you will also be kicked out of the academy. Let's see if you dare to fight with me, hmph!"

There was a sound of hurried footsteps coming from the darkness, and a tall, fat middle-aged man rushed over panting, "Evil Soul Master, where is it?"

In the distance, the flame has disappeared, Leng Yue breathed a sigh of relief, he should be safe, and then it is time to delay.

The woman immediately became complacent, "Director, you don't know, Teacher Leng Yue is so capable that he accepted the evil soul master as a student, and even encouraged his students to kill my students. If I didn't find out in time, the evil soul master I'm going to do something ruthless!" After speaking, he gave Leng Yue a provocative look.

The faint light in the beautiful eyes flowed, and Leng Yue smiled and said: "I don't know how the college evaluates the students. Director, you have to be discerning!"

"You!" The woman obviously forgot this point, and the assessment students are monitored by teachers selected from the academy.

"Oh, I forgot, you said that I instigated the students, what evidence do you have? Our class lost more than ten games in a row, and I have been by your side all the time. How could I instigate it? Could it be that I deliberately lost so many games, Then let the evil soul master go up to the competition?"

The director knew very well who was behind Leng Yue, so he turned to the woman and said, "Teacher Leng Yue is an excellent teacher for many years, how could he violate morality? There is no evidence next time, so don't talk nonsense." After finishing speaking, he was ready to go back to the teaching building to pack his things.

"Director! You can't favor her like this. You can ask the students present if what I said is true!" The woman was a little anxious to get rid of Leng Yue, but she didn't care so much, and threw out her trump card.

The middle-aged man can't help not daring to provoke Leng Yue, he also likes Leng Yue, how could he investigate and deal with her?

But at this time, the woman was clinging to this matter tightly, and he was also a little overwhelmed.

But when I remembered that I was also the director, under pressure, I slowly walked up to a student and asked, "Is that so?"

The boy replied truthfully: "No, I saw that boy just released a spider web. The two of them were fighting normally. The boy didn't use any evil killing techniques."

"Nonsense! Director, you can take a look, Yang Tian's vitality is constantly being sucked by the spider web."

As if hearing a thunderbolt from the blue sky, the director hurried to Yangtian's side. He didn't dare to mess with the people behind Leng Yue, and Yangtian's background was even more terrifying!If I don't handle it well, I'm afraid I will lose my job!

The strength of this middle-aged man has just stepped into the soul king. He is over 40 years old and has average talent. no more.

Released the soul power and felt it, "Hey, it's very light, not fatal." The man said doubtfully.

The woman knew that the director must want to favor Leng Yue, so she couldn't help saying angrily: "What if the level is higher? He must be an evil soul master who endangers one side, we must deal with this matter seriously!"

"Okay, I'll send someone to look for the traces of them." His forehead was slightly sweaty, and it was the first time the director had seen such a hardworking person, so it was not important to have to investigate one thing.

How did he know that the competitiveness and calculation among women is just the tip of the iceberg.

Leng Yue didn't speak anymore, a faint smile appeared on her face, at their speed, they must have already left Shrek City.

(End of this chapter)

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