Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 102 Shrek Hunting Order

Chapter 102 Shrek Hunting Order

The night was cold, and everything in Shrek City was still. Everything seemed to have returned to the most primitive tranquility.

Several black shadows flew out from the high wall of Shrek Academy, and those men in black moved neatly without making a sound.

In the corridor of the teaching building, when Leng Yue vaguely saw a few figures crossing the wall, the mood in her heart seemed to become a little unstable.

Suddenly, another figure crossed the wall, but Leng Yue noticed something was wrong, this figure seemed to be a woman.

Thinking of this, the light of resentment in Leng Yue's beautiful eyes flickered away. It was the woman who reported to the academy that there was an evil soul master, and even sent several soul king-level inner courtyard students to hunt down and kill several children!

With a flash of thought, Leng Yue knew that someone would be watching her, but she couldn't control that much anymore. If those children were caught, they would definitely be wiped out by the strong men sent by Shrek Academy.

She knew very well that the so-called evil soul master was just an excuse for the woman, because she had a grudge against her, if not, she would definitely not have persecuted the children like this.

It was because of this that she was more determined to prevent Shrek Academy from chasing and killing her.

After quickly scanning the surroundings, seeing no one around, Leng Yue tapped the ground with her toes, and the whole person flew out of the sky.

Through the observation just now, the cultivation base of those black shadows is no more than the soul king level. With her cultivation base of the soul saint level, it is still very easy to stop them.

And Leng Yue would not act hastily, she just followed them secretly, and would only act when Zhang Xiao and the others were in danger.In this way, if Zhang Xiao and the others are not found, she doesn't need to act, and the academy can't hold her accountable. If Zhang Xiao is really caught up, then even if she wants to leave Shrek Academy, Leng Yue can accept it After all, it was the children she implicated.

Following those black shadows from a distance, Leng Yue didn't dare to get too close, not because of those inner court students, but because of a figure between her and the soul king, whose comprehensive strength should have reached the level of the soul king. Emperor level, if he finds Leng Yue, it is likely to delay her action.

Several black shadows ran towards the direction of Shrek's east city gate, Leng Yue saw a faint fire flickering not far away, and felt anxious, this must be Zhang Xiao and the others!

But looking at the distance, Leng Yue could feel that the fire was at least four kilometers away, and at the speed of the Soul King, he could catch up with them very quickly.

After being anxious, Leng Yue calmed down instead. There can be no accidents at this time, and their safety must be ensured!
During the extremely fast run, Leng Yue counted carefully, there were at least seven soul kings chasing after her, and at the end the woman didn't know if it was an enemy or a friend, because Leng Yue found that the figure seemed to be following those soul kings secretly, Hiding in hiding, it doesn't look like a gang.

Of course, Leng Yue didn't dare to ensure that she was a teammate, so she still maintained a cautious attitude and followed secretly.

The flames gradually magnified in the eyes, several weak figures were still running desperately, Leng Yue's heart could no longer calm down, now it was a critical moment, do you want to make a move?Leng Yue herself can't tell for sure.

There was a sudden blur in front of her eyes, and Leng Yue was horrified to find that the woman from before had disappeared.

"Don't run!" A heavy shout sounded from among the soul kings.

Mo Binglin and the others felt a chill in their hearts, were they finally caught up?The reason why they didn't run separately was because they didn't know where they would go, so they ran together towards the grave that Zhang Xiao dug earlier.

I'd be an idiot to stop!Mo Binglin thought bitterly, the pursuers came really fast!
Ouyang Zili's speed increased again, and she galloped into the distance with a trail of fire. She carried Zhang Xiao all the way. The reason why she carried him was because Zhang Xiao had already gone into shock. After the grass is blackened.

Yuecheng gritted his teeth, turned around and threw a few electric balls at the people behind him. The blue light balls were like lights in the dark, illuminating the darkness in the field for a moment.

Although Yuecheng's speed is extremely fast, but after all, he is a soul master after all. Compared with the soul king, his level is at most equal to that of the soul king, and there is a distance of tens of meters in between. Those soul kings escaped without much effort up.

The sound of hurried footsteps running behind became more and more clear in the ears, and everyone's hearts were half-cooled.


A shrill scream sounded from behind, all the men in black stopped and looked back, they were all chasing and killing people along the way, unexpectedly someone would dare to sneak attack!

What kind of soul master is Leng Yue?Sensitive attack system soul sage!Not to mention her speed in the dark, even in the daytime, few people could see her movements clearly.

Like a group of ghosts, before several soul kings found anything, two more soul kings fell down.

Fear spread in the hearts of the men in black. They are inner disciples of Shrek Academy!How could anyone dare to sneak attack them?
The operation tonight was carried out in secret, and not many people knew about it. After thinking about it calmly, one of them said, "It's Teacher Leng Yue, right? Why are you so partial to them? It's just a few little evil soul masters." , Is it possible that Mr. Leng should also have a compassionate heart for evil soul masters?"

Leng Yue knew she had been discovered by them, but she didn't make a sound, and just quickly attacked the heavily guarded soul kings.

Those soul kings are not vegetarians either. Although the soul power gathered by each of them is not a lot, the number is indeed far greater than that of Leng Yue's Shining Blade.

Taking a breath, Chen Ling and the others noticed the abnormality behind them, but they didn't stop, and still ran towards the grave at top speed.

Behind him, lights of various colors flickered alternately, like a dazzling performance. Because of the intensive attack, Leng Yue's figure not only returned to its original shape, but also made those soul kings startled. Teacher Leng Yue?

Although the remaining four soul kings are still full of combat power, it is because they dare not touch them. Who would care about the danger of getting a chance to survive if they are injured.

Although they don't know why Teacher Leng Yue would kill him, they only know that they must save themselves. They are all too familiar with how powerful Leng Yue is.

As a former genius, Leng Yue's glory is too numerous to enumerate, which also makes her an idol in the hearts of many inner court disciples.

The 21-year-old Breakthrough Soul Sage, Shrek's youngest female teacher, all of these are the best proof of Leng Yue's strength.

It is also true that the mentality of those soul kings has undergone a huge change, either you die or I die!Although they knew that it was impossible for them to run out of Leng Yue's hands.

"Fight it!" With a bang, a figure rushed out suddenly, a series of piercing piercing sounds roared in the ears, and a white light shot out, shooting towards Leng Yue's head.

Leng Yue's expression remained unchanged, and when she raised her jade hand, a burst of pink light also shot out, colliding fiercely with the white light rushing towards her face.


There was a deafening roar, and terrifying fluctuations of soul power radiated outwards, causing the big trees dozens of meters away to shake violently, and the ground was already splashed with mud.

(End of this chapter)

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