Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 103 The Mysterious Woman in Black

Chapter 103 The Mysterious Woman in Black
The strong fluctuations in soul power caused Chen Ling and others who were still a hundred meters away to feel palpitations. The contest between senior soul masters was indeed terrifying. Just judging from the deafening sound, Yue Cheng knew that this kind of battle was not something they could do. Incorporated.

The soul king who shot earlier flew upside down, and flew more than ten meters before landing hard on the ground, but Leng Yue didn't move.

This is the gap between the soul king and the soul saint. Although there is only one level of separation, one soul saint can fight against ten soul kings without any problem at all.

Seeing that someone came to the rescue, Yuecheng didn't dare to delay, and said in a deep voice, "We have to speed up, there is a valley ahead, we can go there to hide first."

Looking at the imposing Leng Yue, those soul kings looked at each other in blank dismay. With the name of Shrek Academy, no one else would dare to stop them from doing things, but Leng Yue was the one who initiated this incident. If she ignored everything, then they would not survive.

This also makes them dare not act rashly, after all, their skills are inferior to others, and if they are not careful, they will lose their lives!
One of the soul kings said slowly: "Teacher Leng Yue, we are also following orders, why should we do this? Not to mention whether they are evil soul masters, just because you hurt us, you have already violated the rules of the academy."

The starry sky at night is very beautiful, but under such a starry sky, it is a life-and-death negotiation.

Why doesn't Leng Yue know?Doing so is undoubtedly a blatant challenge to Shrek Academy, but this is entirely the fault of that woman, and a few children cannot be involved!
She is still clear about Zhang Xiao's situation. The ability of an evil soul master is not to consume the vitality of ordinary soul masters, but to devour it. That is evil. Zhang Xiao is obviously not. It means that he is an evil soul master.

However, judging from the dispatch of these soul kings, the academy must have issued a death order to hunt down the evil soul masters!Instead of simply hunting down!

Leng Yue was not in a hurry, she could delay it for a while, so she said slowly: "I don't want to do this either, but you are so disappointed in the college that you are so kind to a few children, I only listen to that woman's one-sided words A kill order is about to be issued."

The pupils of a soul king shrank suddenly. It was beyond their control how the academy gave orders, but if they still wanted to carry out the orders now, they would die.

After contemplating for a while, the soul king said: "Mr. Leng, let's go back together, and discuss this matter with the senior management of the college. Do you think it's okay?"

Leng Yue smiled sweetly, "No need, you go back and report back, just say that I hindered you from carrying out the task."

Leng Yue sneered from the bottom of her heart, Leng Yue is not a fool, what to say after returning to the academy, but it depends on their mouths, she is only one person, even if she speaks out loud, no one will listen.

"Do it!" Suddenly there was a violent shout, and the figures of several soul kings moved almost at the same time, and one figure was somewhat unclear at night.

"call out--"

The soul king who was hit by Leng Yue just now took out a tube-shaped thing from his arms, ignited it somehow, and threw it towards the sky. There was a loud explosion at a height of several hundred meters, and then it bloomed A beautiful color, very clear against the night sky.

"Hmph!" How could Leng Yue not know, this is a signal, this place is not far from Shrek City, I'm afraid there will be strong people coming soon.

On Leng Yue's body, two yellows, two purples and three blacks, a total of seven soul rings floated floatingly, which were really obvious in the dark night.

Although they knew that Leng Yue was a soul sage, when she actually released her soul ring, those soul kings knew that they still underestimated the gap with her, and their strength was greatly reduced by the oppressive aura. .

Not daring to stop, several soul kings formed a circle, enclosing Leng Yue in it, ready to encircle and annihilate it.

At this time, there was an extremely weak sound coming from the direction of Shrek City.

Leng Yue's figure suddenly became as hazy as a cloud of mist, and it was even more impossible to catch her figure in the dark night.

With a flying kick, it hits the vitals of a soul king. The definition of a soul master of the agility attack system is not only fast speed, but also possesses high explosive attack power, but is lacking in strength.

With a scream, the soul king fell to the ground.

Dazzling lights flickered, and several soul kings continuously released their soul skills, but none of the light could touch Leng Yue, her speed was too fast, and it was often the figure that the soul kings had just released their soul skills and locked on their targets It has already changed its position.

Even so, no one dared to stop. Stopping means showing a flaw. According to Leng Yue's judgment, the end is death.

If they hadn't thrown the signal flares before, maybe Leng Yue wouldn't have killed them, but once the Shrek Academy powerhouses were recruited, it would be a disaster for Leng Yue. Under such circumstances, Leng Yue would definitely kill them all , so as not to be besieged later.

Even if you want to run, you can't run away, the sound is getting closer and closer, at most, you can come here with the effort of a cup of tea.

The sixth soul ring shone, and three pale pink rays of light shot out, hitting the three soul kings respectively. However, at this critical juncture, the three rays of light also shot out from the dark, directly destroying Leng Yue's soul power. The collapse of the shock wave collision.

The three soul kings were all beaming, did they finally come?

A black figure jumped out from behind a tree. It was a woman with a beautiful figure.

"Why are you still wearing a mask?" This question appeared in the hearts of several soul kings at the same time, why do the masters of the academy also wear this?

Listening carefully, the previous sound has disappeared, which means that this is indeed a strong man from the academy.

The soul king who was kicked by Leng Yue said: "Senior, Teacher Leng hindered us from doing things, we were almost killed by her!"

Leng Yue smiled softly, isn't this the same mysterious woman from before?
How could it be possible to come only after seeing the signal flare? The only thing that puzzled Leng Yue was why the previous sound disappeared without a sound.

The mysterious woman kept silent, and when she glanced at Leng Yue, a shuddering atmosphere spread quietly. The next moment, the woman was already flying towards Leng Yue. Dozens of balls of light condensed behind her, gathering momentum like a tiger. ready to go.

Just when the soul kings breathed a sigh of relief, dozens of balls of light shot out, and before they could react, the soul kings all fell down, before they even had time to scream, they fell down strangely up.

There was a smile on the corner of the mysterious woman's mouth, and when she walked in front of Leng Yue, Leng Yue took a step back vigilantly, "Who are you?"

With a sweet smile, the woman took off the mask, revealing a delicate and pretty face in the dark night.

(End of this chapter)

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