Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 104 The Shadow on the Lingyuan Pool

Chapter 104 The Shadow on the Lingyuan Pool
"You, you are?" Leng Yue looked at the woman in front of her, as if she had a feeling of deja vu.

The woman in black said noncommittally: "What do you say so much, anyway, you beat them to death, and the academy will not let you go."

Leng Yue was at a loss for words, obviously she shot too hard, how could she kill them by herself?
Puchi smiled, and the woman said sternly: "Stop joking, where are you going? Now you definitely can't go back, at least because of these people, you can't go back either." As she spoke, she pointed to several people who were lying on the ground in disorder. soul king.

With a chill in her heart, Leng Yue also knew that she couldn't go back, but she had no intention of killing these inner courtyard students, she just wanted to stop them from moving.

"Okay, I won't say much anyway, take care of yourself, I'm leaving." Before she finished speaking, the woman in black was already running away into the distance, leaving Leng Yue alone in the wilderness. Standing quietly in the field.

Who is this person?I obviously don't know him or her, so why help me?
Sighing lightly, the matter got serious, Leng Yue decided to hide for a while, otherwise she might be held accountable.


Running desperately, Yue Cheng and the others were relieved when they realized that there was no sound from behind.

However, Yuecheng was not completely relaxed yet, because not far in front of them, there was a pool of sparkling water, which reflected a faint light under the brilliance of the moon.

Luo Yuxi's heart skipped half a beat, Lingyuan Pool!
Last time, it was because of a giant snake-shaped soul beast here that Zhang Xiao almost died because of saving her. No matter what kind of predicament he was in at this time, Luo Yuxi was unwilling to pass here with his companions.

Not only because of the heartbreak, but also because the giant python was too terrifying, which made her feel deeply afraid.

"Stop!" Luo Yuxi finally shouted out.

Everyone stopped and looked back at her. Chen Ling was a little puzzled, "What's the matter?"

Seeing that there was no one chasing after him, Yuecheng said, "Let's not pass by here. I was a little anxious just now. This place is too dangerous. Let's change the road."

"Dangerous?" Ever since she and Luo Yuxi became irreplaceable best friends, Ouyang Zili knew that she had a brother who was fearless, and this person was Yue Cheng. Seeing him talking about danger, Ouyang Zili felt that Somewhat strange.

A trace of displeasure flashed across Luo Yuxi's pretty face, "There are powerful soul beasts, let's go."

After finishing speaking, she took the lead and walked out from the path in the nearby valley, bypassing the Lingyuan water pool. The others also trusted her, so they followed her to the outside of the mountain.

In the center of Lingyuan Pool, a faint blue light spot shines brightly in the night sky. At first, it was only the size of a thumb belly. Gradually, the blue light spot became bigger and bigger. After about a stick of incense, that blue light spot has become A huge ring with a radius of more than five meters was formed.

Below the ring, a vortex formed like a small snake, and it only took a few breaths. The vortex was already spinning extremely fast, and the soaring water waves kept hitting the stone walls of the valley, causing countless crystal water splashes.

A figure rose slowly in the center of the vortex, staring at the sky, and sighed softly.

Not long after, the waves of the water gradually subsided, and under the moonlight, one could tell that this figure was also a woman. If one was looking for a characteristic, then it should be her legs. The super-long proportion gave people a strong feeling visual impact.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." After saying something meaningless, the woman slowly descended in the vortex and disappeared into the Lingyuan pool.

The surface of the water returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the sun and the moon in the sky changed, and everyone came to the valley of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

With the fierce flames in the sky, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief when they arrived here after a long march through mountains and rivers.

Wiping the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand, Ouyang Zili said a little unhappy: "I'm so exhausted, why is he so heavy?"

Everyone looked at her with half-smiles, Yue Cheng said slowly, "Because of love."


Luo Yuxi, who was furious, smashed a big bag on the head of someone who said dirty words. The person raised his head, covered the big bag with his hands, and cried, "I was just joking! What are you doing, you beat someone to death!" !"

Ouyang Zili and Luo Yuxi are indeed best friends, and they have the same opinion on this matter. Immediately, a raging fire ignited behind them, and there was flame in their eyes. Yue Cheng.

Chen Ling couldn't help but swallow her saliva, and she must not mess with them at any time, otherwise, at her own risk!

With a crying voice, Yuecheng begged: "Sister, I was wrong! Forgive my ignorance!"

Unexpectedly, after saying this, the second daughter not only did not calm down, but the fire behind her ignited several feet higher, as if it was about to swallow the tiny Yuecheng in front of her eyes.

Mo Binglin and the others knew that they were safe and had escaped from the shackles of the academy. They felt pretty good, and they were very relaxed anyway. They didn't have to go to those boring martial arts research classes. They use martial arts every day, so do they still need to talk about it?They always talk about things they already know, and they have long been a little disgusted, so they decisively choose to escape.

The air in summer is very dry and hot, and everyone is a little thirsty, but they have nowhere to ask for water. Seeing a clear stream in front of them, Mo Binglin and Taitong couldn't care less about their appearance, and stretched out their hands to hold a cup of water in the stream. Grab some water and start drinking.

However, the moment they raised their faces after drinking a handful of water, they were shocked. Yuecheng had already jumped into the small river, took a deep breath, and then sank his head into the water.


The corner of Ouyang Zili's mouth twitched slightly, even if he wanted to beat him, he didn't have to jump into the river.

However, this is still not enough for her to understand Yuecheng. His purpose is not only to jump into the river to escape, but also has a small evil plan.

Luo Yuxi knew him well, and saw through Yue Cheng's wishful thinking at a glance.

He gently whispered to Ouyang Zili's ear, and said, "When we cross the river, stay away from him." As he spoke, he blinked his big watery eyes, and looked at Yue Cheng who was still in the water.

Turning her eyes slightly, Ouyang Zili chuckled, "So that's how it is."

After giving Yue Cheng a contemptuous look, Luo Yuxi ran to Zhang Xiao's side to observe his condition carefully, but only saw that his eyes were tightly closed, and even his breathing seemed to be faint, very weak.

"How's it going?" Not only Luo Yuxi, but everyone's faces turned serious. The reason why they were joking was because they wanted to relax the atmosphere and not let everyone's spirits be so tense.

Seeing that Zhang Xiao has been in a coma for more than a day, everyone is very anxious, but there is nothing they can do. After all, they are not healing soul masters, and the battle may be okay. When it comes to this, their abilities are not up to par mesa.

The only one, Chen Ling, was still a food-type soul master, which didn't go well with things like healing.

After looking at Zhang Xiao carefully, Chen Ling said with certainty, "He's fine. He probably lost consciousness temporarily due to the intense stimulation, but he should be able to wake up soon."

Although everyone didn't believe what Chen Ling said, it sounded very professional after all, so most of them felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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